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Foals of [Sp]* LADY LOKEY 51.38 4C EEaa

All Foals of [Sp]* LADY LOKEY 51.38 4C EEaa
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
[Re]* Lady speedy 53.49 4CEeaa 7 years old Lora [Re] SPEEDY 57.63 3C eeaa
[Re]* LokeySpeedy 55.03 C Eeaa 6 years old Lora [Re] SPEEDY 57.63 3C eeaa
[Re/Dr*] Dembie 52.77 3C EEaa 5 years old Lora [Dr]* Dressage C
[S]* Timmy 59.07 5 years old Lora [Re]* TINY 63.50! Eeaa
(R2-56) Orpheus 0 years old Kythryn Wyldewood [Re:Dr] Rival Ransom