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Foals of ~Fritz~ AaCrFfZZOo 94.90^

All Foals of ~Fritz~ AaCrFfZZOo 94.90^
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
~Homey~ NpEeAACrChffZZ %95.49& 20 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Tiki~ NpEeAAtChffZz 96.26**
~Big Red~ NpAAtFfZZ 93.47%& 19 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Tiki~ NpEeAAtChffZz 96.26**
~Allstar~EeAaCrDdFfZzOo 92^& 19 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Heart Moon~ NpEeDdFf 92.38
~On The Fritz~CrFfZzRb 93.88^& 18 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Misty Moon~EeAaCrChffRb 96.22
~Justin~ NpAtaCrFfZZ 96.88^& 17 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Justice~ NpAtaCrChffZz 97.55%
~Golden Girl~ |To|163|92.66| 13 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Ambrosia~ |Tov|136|91.87|