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Foals of 16| Lucy 59.13

All Foals of 16| Lucy 59.13
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
III HS Swift Whiplash Dunce 12 years old bliss *II HS Whiplash 50 57.98
cull 2 years old Sonoma ¹ Strange Woods
cull 2 years old Sonoma ¹ Mediocre
cull 2 years old ¹ Business Casual
cull 2 years old ¹ Sunless Sea
cull 2 years old ¹ Builder 876688
cull 2 years old ¹ Mediocre
cull 2 years old racing 56ns 4p
✦R Nebraska 1 year old ✦ Rolex ✦ ¹ Strange Woods