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Foals of SeaStar |98.23

All Foals of SeaStar |98.23
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
†Banner 18 years old Tenissa †Nosferatu Dream
(D) Death Parade 17 years old {EC} Maple Hill Ranch Njörðr [98.48]
Sparrow's Star|97.99 8 years old Forevertime1 BlackenedSparrow |99.28
SeaSparrow|97.71 8 years old Forevertime1 BlackenedSparrow |99.28
Solo|97.73 7 years old Forevertime1 BlackenedSparrow |99.28
Shooting Star|98.30 6 years old Forevertime1 BlackenedSparrow |99.28
Sterling|97.79 5 years old Forevertime1 BlackenedSparrow |99.28