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Foals of Undercover Reiver (EF2) 61.01

All Foals of Undercover Reiver (EF2) 61.01
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
(E3-60) Subaquatic Peppercorn 22 years old Olympeaᵐ Zesty Sunsea Dewdrops(EF)61.13
(E62) Undercover Seneschal 9 years old Kythryn Wyldewood (E63) Whistle DownThe Wind
(E460)GhostlySirene Undercover 5 years old Kryssyn Elara Moonstone (E58) Atlantys Ghostly Sirene
B) Romantyc Reiver 4 years old Luvpalominos (EF2) Roamantyc SeaVu 59.51
culley 2 years old (E63) Whistle DownThe Wind