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Foals of ~T~ GPH ➰ 127

All Foals of ~T~ GPH ➰ 127
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Golden Pierre [96.78] 21 years old LaterPeaches SPK Ghostly Pierre 98
~T~ {98.01} 18 years old Granada Quarter Horses Vanilla Cadillac
~T~ {98.31} 13 years old Granada Quarter Horses Legendary Tango ff 97,31 o
/J\ Cool My Irons 96.90 8 years old A Bar S Ranch ~T~ 4GPH ➰~
~T~ {96.42} 8 years old Extra Legendary Tango ff 97,31 o
~T~ 2GPH ➰ 7 years old Granada Quarter Horses ~T~ 4GPH ➰~
New Foal 2 years old Granada Quarter Horses SPK Good Day Gambling 98