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Foals of (EF) Midnight Reiver 62.25

All Foals of (EF) Midnight Reiver 62.25
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Undercover Reiver (EF2) 61.01 22 years old Kryssyn Elara Moonstone (EF) Undercover Urchyn 60.00
(E60) Undercover of Midnight 19 years old Kiara Kyssarnha (EF) Undercover Urchyn 60.00
Midnight Seacrets (EF2) 59.75 18 years old Kryssyn Elara Moonstone Secrets in the Myst (EF) 55.75
Thoosa (EF2) 60.86 6 years old Island of Promises 57.38FE