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Foals of Scrolls of Lilith | 60 49,122

All Foals of Scrolls of Lilith | 60 49,122
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Nisaki 22 years old ry_bry Ra'marash
Mōko (67)® 22 years old Havok ѦRC Tengri Ülgen | 81 40,353
ѦRC Secret Arcanum | 62 29,175 6 years old Revv Aðgils | 63 20,403
ѦRC Xīng Chén | 60 132,241 6 years old Revv [E]🟆 Stars's Stranger /StRb
✨ѦRC Myrddi's Prose 3 years old Revv Merlin's Revenge | 59 296,267