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Foals of Purple People Eater Ee Ff TO

All Foals of Purple People Eater Ee Ff TO
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Tuxedo Ee Aa Ch Oo 22 years old SugarSoul Sadie Sadie Married Lady ee Dd
Cloud Eater Ee aa Ff T 22 years old SugarSoul Cloudy Princess ee Cr Ff Zz Rn
Western Frontier Ee AA ff Rb T 22 years old SugarSoul North West EE Aa Dd Ff
Just Peachy Ee aa Ff 22 years old SugarSoul Peach Cobbler ee Cr Dd ff
Boston Tea Party (G ?) 0 years old Raptor II ♪ Phyllis ♪