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Foals of JustaChance(56.63)

All Foals of JustaChance(56.63)
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Doodlebug(70.76) 15 years old HiddenAcresPaints/Chiwing CH Watching The Sunrise(93.02)
OnTheRun(70.69) 15 years old HiddenAcresPaints/Chiwing CH Admiral (80.71)
Backdraft(72.79) 15 years old HiddenAcresPaints/Chiwing Flashy Prince
SweetJenna(71.90) 15 years old HiddenAcresPaints/Chiwing Amaretto(77.36)
💥Sundance Kid💥blk tt 10 years old Churchill stables rescue ~JC's Bright Light Storm~97.27
(P)JustWatching(80.13) 4 years old Rebekah Donnell CH Watching The Sunrise(93.02)
New Foal 2 years old kellyw Brownie 77.60