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Foals of Logan (Bay) 66.43

All Foals of Logan (Bay) 66.43
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Adaira (Bay) 64.99 22 years old Decorous Equus Kenzie (Bay) 61.98
Clementine (Bay) 66.88 22 years old Decorous Equus Edina (Bay) 64.27
Lainie (Black) 65.45 22 years old Decorous Equus Bonni (Bay) 61.86
Yatsufusa 22 years old Valzed ❤️ 🐀 🐀 For Sale (Bay) 75.94
Evan (Bay) 71.23 8 years old Decorous Equus Holly (Bay) 75.91