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Foals of Pippi Leo 57.01

All Foals of Pippi Leo 57.01
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
MVFull Moon Cr!Lp!patn1 59.24 21 years old magicvalley Blazing Smoke Snowcup 62.52
Cremella Blanket 63.63 19 years old magicvalley Say it's a dream 72.21
Spend My Time SpLeo 45nss 19 years old magicmountain Splash Boy Sp65nss
xR3 12 years old Styx Dos. Runner Blanket 62.28
Fire King 52nss 11 years old (Lucky) Ducky Feeling Blue Ee Snowc 61nss
Monty's Pretty Spot 7 years old AshJEakin Sky Soldier