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Foals of [zz] Carmesí ee Aa Dd RR Rbrb

All Foals of [zz] Carmesí ee Aa Dd RR Rbrb
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
[zz]Sal 46.63 22 years old SpanishMustang [zz] Abismo EE Aa W.Ch.To.Sp.R
[zz] Laurel 43.50 22 years old SpanishMustang [zz] Bombón Ee AA Gg Chch Tot
[zz] Escarcha 52.00 22 years old SpanishMustang Cobre by SyLoBe
[zz] Gavilán 54.75 22 years old SpanishMustang [zz] Hefesto ee AA