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Foals of jum Blodwyn Ombre 77.91|46nss

All Foals of jum Blodwyn Ombre 77.91|46nss
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Ombre Sun 22 years old Shearwood Estate
Colt CrFfRbRnLp12 70.89|52|8.3 10 years old Blodwyn 3 Jackpot
s|37|7.2 Opaque BDW|AtChff 6 years old Blodwyn 3 s|29|7.0 Lil'Santa BDW|AtChFf
m|39 Oolala BDW|ChZRbLp1 4 years old Blodwyn 3 Colt CrChFfZSTYRbRnLp12 62.04