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Foals of Remarkable Creature{66.20}

All Foals of Remarkable Creature{66.20}
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
ᴼᴿᴳ⇴ 68.31/98/End 20 years old Demonia Rora RW Fairies Arrow
ᴼᴿᴳ⇴ 64.99/100/SJ 19 years old Demonia Rora Storm
ᴼᴿᴳ⇴ 63.71/101/E 18 years old Demonia Rora RW Fairies Arrow
ᴼᴿᴳ⇴ 64.90/115/E 18 years old Demonia Rora Peach Delight {62.17}
ᴼᴿᴳ⇴ 62.46/130/SJ 17 years old Demonia Rora 60.01
ᴼᴿᴳ⇴ 67.66/116/E 16 years old Demonia Rora Peach Delight {62.17}
ᴼᴿᴳ⇴ 61.87/136/SJ 15 years old Demonia Rora 60.01