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Foals of Velvet Dreams (51) | g

All Foals of Velvet Dreams (51) | g
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Velvet Victory (53) | ag 6 years old Mishirin Ashen Victory (55) | a
Dreaming of Rice (53) 4 years old Mishirin Rice (57)
Imaginary Mission (49) 4 years old Mishirin Mission to Mars (51) | e
Flickering Dreams (49) 3 years old Mishirin Flickering Mars (52) | de
Ashen Dreams (52) 3 years old Mishirin Ashen Victory (55) | a
Velvet Sea of Dreams (51) 3 years old Mishirin Evading the Sea (53) | ch
Velvet Lover (52) 3 years old Mishirin Dollar for a Lover (56)
Dreaming of Mars (47) 3 years old Mishirin Mission to Mars (51) | e
Velvet Mission (49) 1 year old Mishirin Mission to Mars (51) | e