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Foals of ↟↟↟ Wildcat Thunder |121ⁿ

All Foals of ↟↟↟ Wildcat Thunder |121ⁿ
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
alphas thunder cat 8 years old *CW* Keeping the Faith
↟↟↟ Two-Faced Hellcat |75ⁿ 4 years old ᵍ ᵒ ᵃ ᵀ☀ ↟↟↟ Two-Toned Revelation |53ⁿ
retire 2 years old Spooks II [𝔰]ANIMAS|96
retire 2 years old Spooks Cowboy Money (91.43)
retire 0 years old Spooks 𝔰𝔰 | RINGU |95.26
retire 0 years old Spooks [𝔰]PIERCING|98