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Foals of ๐“…ƒ fighting chairs 54.75

All Foals of ๐“…ƒ fighting chairs 54.75
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Copper 7 years old Mistletoe
W6 | Dakota's Fight (73.53) 6 years old ๐“…ฎ dakota 93.01
๐“…ฎ count chocula 76.77 5 years old แต แต’ แตƒ แต€โ˜€ ๐“…ฎ frost bites 90.17
๐“…ƒ divine atlas 62.04 1 year old แต แต’ แตƒ แต€โ˜€ ๐“…ƒ it was diane 71.80