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"01/28/19 - 7 month mark!"

Hello! I live in rural Idaho with my four horses and (what feels like) a billion chickens. I have three registered Appaloosa mares, the matriarch Tazlina (Taz/Tazzy) who is 25 years old, her daughter Tolsona (Tulsa) who is 5, and my 17 y/o mare Galena. My main riding mare is Galena's half sister, Deshka, who is a Friesian/Appaloosa cross, and is 8 years old this year. Galena and Deshka are also Tazlina's nieces/Tolsona's cousins, so they're all related! Galena is expecting an ApHC foal in June 2019, bred to a fewspot stallion for a guaranteed colored (& black) foal. My status almost always is a countdown for her next checkpoint/shot/etc. My family has had Appaloosas for about 40 years as of 2019!

As for chickens, I have a little bit of everything: Sumatras, Cream Crested Legbars, Welsummers, Barnvelders, Ameraucanas, French Black Copper & Cuckoo Marans, Golden & Silver Laced Wyandottes, and Speckled Sussex. In total I have 18 chickens.. I love them!!

Account Information
Member Name Deshka
Member ID 121701
Account Type Basic
Joined December 21, 2018
Last Active 2019-01-04 14:03:34
Member Information
Money on Hand $13,764
Money in Bank $55,000
Player Level 2
Horses 2 / 5

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 1354
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 6364
Show Winnings
Yesterday $187
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $456

Member Level
Level 2 Experience 3078 (41%) EXP Required 7338 EXP Left 4260

Deshka's Horse Divisions
Appaloosas 2 horses
Trained today

Club Memberships
No club memberships yet!