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Marlu+HG Rp (private)

#252371 Posted on 2022-02-08 10:49:30

This RP is only for me and Lushian. 

My character - 

Last edited on 2022-02-11 at 04:03:24 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#252372 Posted on 2022-02-08 10:54:03

H - (Back when Navajo was a foal)

Navajo was born amongst the herd unlike the other foals. Normally a mare is supposed to stray from the herd to have their foal in peace, but when it was time, it was too dangerous. Navajo's father, the band stallion, had kept his lead mare to stay in the herd even though she was hours away from going into labor. His mother had a hard time, as she wasn't comfortable with the whole herd watching. Within the next couple hours, a appaloosa colt was born.
Navajo was now about five and a half months old. He was very adventurous, and all the fillies liked him. He paid no attention, and often strayed from the herd to explore, although sometimes he got into trouble. One time, he had came across a bear and her cubs when he found a bee hive. He was fine, but got in trouble. His mother always kept him in check.
"Why don't you go hang out with some of the fillies? They are your siblings after all." said his mother to try and keep him from getting into any trouble. She said as the herd was at the river to get a drink while some of the foals played around in the river.
"Ugh Mom! They're all so boring! All they play is mares and stallions, other girly games, or gossip. Or even talk about me!," he said annoyed as he was one of the few colts born that birthing season. He nursed as he got annoyed hearing the fillies making a bunch of ruckus.
"Well I guess you could go, and scout with your father. It'll do you some good as you'll be in charge of a herd one day." she said as he stopped nursing.
"Really? Cool! Thanks mom!" he said excitedly as he galloped off hearing his mother call out,"Be careful!" behind him.

L - Ollie was a loner, she never enjoyed hanging out with the other foals as much she preferred to sit under trees or by the stream, always quiet.

She never had many friends, she was closer to a few, more so tolerating them (She'd never admit it but she enjoyed the days they sat and talked to one another), listening to their stories, usually Navajo talked about what he learned with his father, scouting or just caring for his future herd

That was where they were now, sitting under a large willow tree by a small pond, the herd not far away

"Y'know that's not for a good while now, Navajo." Ollie tilted her head, ears flicking back and forth as she listened absently to the sounds around her, "He's not that old, and your still a colt!" The filly flicked the flies away from her sides, the gentle wind rustling their manes

H - Navajo stopped hearing a somewhat familiar voice. "Oh Ollie don't scare me like that." he said with a snort. "Yeah my father may still be young, but when I'm a stallion he'll chase me off. By then it won't matter if I'm his son, I'll be a threat to the herd. Besides you know how all the other fillies like to play girly games, and gossip. Not to mention talk about me 24/7." He said rolling his eyes. "I should go. My mother wouldn't want me to be out here by myself unless I'm with my father." he said.
Navajo's mother drank from the river as she worried about her colt, as always. "What am I supposed to do with him? I honestly don't think he'll cut out to be a lead stallion like his father, Hidalgo. Hidalgo was the leader of the herd, and he was one of the most known and scared stallions in the land. He had one of the biggest herds, and those who said his name shivered as tall tales grew about the bay tobiano stallion.
Meanwhile, Hidalgo was scouting the area. He had heard rumors of humans coming closer the different neighboring herd's territories. He snorted, "Let's hope these so called rumors aren't true. I don't need to move the herd at this time of year, and there isn't anywhere to move them. They have their territory, why do they need to take more of ours?" he said with a puff.

L - Ollie shook her head "I'm just saying maybe have some fun?" Ollie offered a small grin, "Besides im not like those fillies drooling over you." The filly dramatically batted her eyelashes, It was true, the fillies were somewhat overbearing and it even got on her nerves at times, she was never into the gossip or roleplay much, usually staying near her mother when she wasn't off thinking in her own little world

Swallowing back her worry the younger of the two foals walked closer to the colt, "I do have a question though before you go, I know you and I aren't that much into gossip but I heard humans were straying closer to our land and was curious if you knew anything..?" Ollie dug into the ground with a hoof, tail swaying as she awaited an answer

H - "How can I have fun if I'm the only colt?" he said, "I never heard anything of it. My mother had only mentioned what they look like, and to stay clear." he said not sounding scared or anything. Navajo honestly didn't know why they were dangerous. "Aren't they just two legged creatures that live in huts?" he said. "They don't seem so bad to me."
Navajo looked the other way as a bird flew up out of no where making a bunch of ruckus. He was curious as to why the bird flew off like that, and made so much noise. His curiosity got the best of him as he focused on the bird, then came back to the real world.
Hidalgo galloped as a man on horseback had somehow snuck up on him. Although he was faster than the horse, the man still wasn't far behind as Hidalgo saw two of his foals not too far ahead. "Shouldn't you be with your dams? Quick! Follow me!," he yelled his voice a bit harsh as always. "Stay close, don't stop, and don't look back." he said as he galloped fiercely with the two foals.
The three reached the herd as Hidalgo galloped in front with the rest of the herd behind as the two foals galloped alongside their mothers.

L - Ollie shrugged, she didn't why know they were dangerous either but the unknown still scared her, flinching at the sudden noise she hadn't much time to think before she was galloping as fast as she could, unknown horses with the two-legged creatures mounted upon them close behind, she quickly found her mother who looked distressed, the older mare nudged her forward keeping pace with her foal, unbeknownst to the filly her life was just going to get worse

Ollie tried to keep going, but after awhile her gait started to slow, her breaths coming as short pants, lungs begging for oxygen, she didn't mean to stop, to get bumped and fall, for her mother to lose sight of her, she could hear her desperate pleas but she was swallowed by the panicked herd,

Scrambling to get up the filly looked around her eyes meeting group of two legs, and they saw her, she saw them look towards one another with words she couldn't understand, and a rope was then pulled from a large humans side, and before she knew it, it was locked around her neck, Ollie tried to fight back, to pull and snort and look intimidating, but she was scared, and the humans were strong, stronger than her, and they quickly wrapped her muzzle and neck with more role, skillfully pulling her this way and that, all she could think about was how her life was over, how this was her end, how she was going to die here, whole heartedly convinced, thatt these were predators and she was the prey

H - Navajo galloped alongside his mother as he caught sight of Ollie falling down to the ground as she was taken by the men with a rope. He had to keep galloping, he couldn't turn back. Though his mother urged him to gallop faster as he did due to one man after him. Navajo couldn't understand what the man was yelling, but he knew the creature was after him.
Within the next few moments Navajo and his mother had yet another person behind them. "Hidalgo!!" she yelled as her and her colt were in the back of the herd. "HELP!!!" she screamed. Hidalgo heard the call of his distressed lead mare as he instructed the herd where to run as he slid to a stop and turned around to help them. Although by the time he got there, it was too late.
Soon enough, Navajo was taken down to the ground hard due to multiple ropes wrapping around his legs and neck. He was taken down hard enough it left some wounds that drew blood. Ondina, Navajo's mother, couldn't stop to help her colt, and Hidalgo couldn't do anything about it. "Ondina! You can't help him! We have to go NOW!" he said trying to keep the mare from going back. He nipped her hide as she finally listened to him as they galloped away to meet up with the herd.
Navajo had the air knocked out of him as he fell. He couldn't move, and it was hard for him to breath. He couldn't fight what was happening as he saw his parents fighting then gallop away in the thick snow as he passed out. The colt laid in the snow with unknown horses and men huddled around him with ropes as snow covered his body.

L - Ollie whinnied over at Navajo, worry settling in her stomach and making her feel heavy, the snow and cold nipping at her legs and head, the rope digging painfully into her snout and neck, constricting her already shallow breathing, she wanted her mother, she wanted to cuddle up next to her and feelll her warmth and taste the warm milk she wanted home

But she knew it was fruitless, the herd getting smaller in the distance, she tried to walk closer to the wriggling Navajo, men held him down and it looked painful, her rope had a sharp tug and she fell to the ground, her legs felt numb and and the 'why' of this all swirling through her head, why are they doing this? Why did they choose her? Why was she not fast enough? Good enough?

H - Navajo woke back up with men touching him all over. He tried to get up, but couldn't with the ropes on his some of his legs. He kicked around shivering in the cold. The men only touched him more the more her moved keep him down. There was some blood on the snow due to some of the wounds do to him falling down so hard due to ho fast he was going. Somehow Navajo had gotten up, and tried to gallop away.
He only got a few yards due to the rope around his neck and legs pulling really hard against him. He fell back down hard once again, but got back up. Navajo tried to get away once again falling back down due to the men pulling against the several ropes. He couldn't get back up, and he thought this was the end.
Hidalgo and Ondina eventually caught up with the herd as they slowed down from a gallop to a walk. Ondina hung her head down low, and headed to a spot to be alone. Hidalgo had lost his only son this season, but he didn't show his guilt like Ondina did. "We've lost Navajo, but we still have everyone else." he said to the herd, "I hope..." he mumbled. The fillies took it hard too, their only crush. Even though they were half siblings.
Hidalgo walked up to Ondina, "There was nothing neither of us could do. We were outnumbered. I would of done something if I could have, but I couldn't," he said trying to help the grieving mare.
"He was your own SON! The ONLY son you had this season! You could have done SOMETHING! Our son was wrapped and taken down by ropes all over him, and you could do nothing? He is still too young to live without my milk! Thanks to you, he may as well be dead." she said yelling at him as she walked away with a snort. Hidalgo sighed as heard a older mare yell.

L - Ollie's legs shook, her body suddenly feeling too heavy for them, she held her head high, determined to not lose hope, she'd find her mother, she knew it

Rhea panted, her head held low, she had lost her daughter, her only foal, all she could think was that they were hurting her, the sounds of her distressed calls echoing like a broken record in her head, making her heart clench and stomach churn

She had failed, had failed as a dam, as her protector, Rhea looked around, at all the foals huddled close to their respective mothers, one she noticed, Ondina, didn't have her foal, Navajo, the only colt this season with her, had she lost him too? Walking slowly to the other mare she bowed her head in respect before standing closer, shielding her from the harsh winds, In her despair, she hadn't heard the discourse between them

"I lost Ollie," Rhea murmured after a moment, "I failed her," she shook her head, she was a angry with herself, with the humans that took her filly, angry at the world

H - "He wouldn't let me save him..." she said quietly hanging her head down low. "What kind of a band stallion drives his mares away from their own foals." she said out of grief and anger. "How could I have ever fallen in love with a stallion like that." she said walking away for privacy.
Navajo was being forced to move, but he didn't have the strength to walk while he was being pulled against his will. That's when he saw Ollie again. Why did it have to be the two of them? Why? Navajo thought of his mother when he suddenly had the strength to fight back. He pulled against all the ropes with all of his strength as the ropes flew out of the hands of the men.
Navajo tried to gallop away, but didn't quite far. He thought he had seen the silhouette of the herd, but it was hard to see through all the snow. "Mother! Help!," he called not even knowing if anyone was there. Though he fell due to more ropes wrapping around his body. He tried to keep fighting against them, but the more he did, the tighter they got.
Ondina's ears perked as she heard something in the distance. She turned back around making her way through the herd. "N-Navajo?" she said seeing figures in the distance.
"He's gone Ondina. Your just imagining it," said Hidalgo feeling sorry for his son, but he didn't show his grief. Ondina had a feeling that her son was still out there, and when she galloped into the snow, all she could see was some blood and ropes. She trembled at the sight as there was no sign of her colt, her precious colt.

L - Ollie shook, the cold bit at her skin and her eyes burned, she wanted to go home, this was unfamiliar, trailing behind grown horses with the... Humans on their back, tight ropes borderline choking her, Navajo was beside her, his own muzzle and neck tightly bound

Her legs felt numb and every breath felt like fire, she was close to giving up, to falling down and refusing to move, but the pinks and reds that painted the sky showed it was sunset and sunset meant darkness and predators

So she kept going, the humans weren't awful by any means, they didn't hurt her besides the ropes and harsh movements, overall they were better than any mountain lion
What felt like days later, but was really only a few hours, they arrived at an unusually shaped hut, they'd seen similar things before but never this large, humans lived in them from what she could remember, it was solid wood with a large fence around it (think SSOTC camp) there were horses tied up from a dark rope on their head, with peculiar constructed things on their back, maybe to hold the humans?

H - Navajo slowly walked alongside Ollie. He did although still have a few more ropes on his body then she did. Probably due to his father's fighting spirit. He kept his head down low as he shivered in the cold as his muscles ached. He wanted to be laying down by his mother feeling her warmth, and her milk. He was starting to get hungry, and his tongue felt dry.
When they arrived to a strange place Navajo lifted up his head. He was exhausted, out of breath, weak, and he just couldn't take much more of this. He spoke not a sound. The two foals were separated, and Navajo was placed in a small round pen. The ropes were removed from his body and legs, but he had one around his face. At this point, he didn't care that the men were touching him, all he wanted was warmth and sleep.
Hidalgo went after Ondina when she galloped out of the trees and into the falling snow. He spoke not a word as he brought his grieving and trembling lead mare. Once again it took some time for her to follow him back to the herd, and once she did they walked in the night through the storm.
"We may have lost some of our offspring today, but they will keep coming back. It is important to stay aware of your surroundings, and stay hidden. This herd shall keep going strong." he said to the herd once they returned. Ondina just walked to the back of the herd, and laid down. She over heard the fillies asking their dams about Ollie and Navajo, but mainly Navajo.
"Is he really gone? Like dead...?" asked one filly. "Ondina stood up and gave a loud and harsh snort. She walked away farther from the herd so she could get some peace and quiet.

L - Ollie was placed in a small pen near some others, on her left was Navajos and on the right was a bigger one with a few mares huddled in a shelter, she looked back over at the colt, she still had a rope on her neck connected to a thick piece of wood, her stomach hurt with hunger, the interlocked wood did nothing to shelter her from the cold breeze,

Ollie whinnied over at Navajo, pulling at the rope, it tightened making her gaso do air, it soon loosened up but she wouldn't be doing that again

H - Navajo was almost asleep when he heard Ollie. He slowly lifted his head up, and saw her gasping for air. There wasn't anything he could do. The rope on his face was tied to a fence post, but he could barely move. He had a rougher and more painful capture then Ollie did. Navajo looked over as he saw a man watching him. What did he want? Navajo felt like he wouldn't make it through the night, and to think he was happily nursing from his dam only earlier that day.
That night Ondina felt the herd. She had to try and find her son. She slowly walked through the herd, and somehow slipped past Hidalgo who kept watch. Though Hidalgo was trapped inside his own head. His only son, and he couldn't save him. The stallion looked up at the stars as he was taking this a lot harder then the herd knew. Navajo looked up at the stars remembering when he would do this with his father.

L - Ollie frowned, her body tensing up as she watched a man walk toward her, he held a bottle with a white liquid in it, reminding her of milk, her mouth salivated thinking about the warmth of milk

The man stopped at a gate connected to her pen, unlocking a chain, and walking in, he squared his jaw and roughly grabbed her head, his hands were cold and callused but the bottle his forced into her mouth held a sweet-tasting milk, she eagerly gulped it down, even if it wasn't as good as her dams it was good enough


Rhea watched as Ondina slipped out of the herds gaze, she couldn't be bothered to follow, if she wanted to risk her life she could, but Rhea wanted to stay fit, if nothing else she could stay healthy what if she found Ollie? She'd need to be in a good place

H - Navajo watched as a man seemed to give something to Ollie, who seemed to enjoy it. He didn't understand how could she enjoy something from a creature that took her away from everything? He didn't get it, but something about it seemed familiar to him. What Navajo did know was that was he in terrible pain, and felt some of the dried blood on his long coat.
He got to thinking on why he taken. Was it because he was young, or maybe because of his looks? He had no idea, but he wish he wasn't taken away. What was this new world even like? He didn't know, but he did feel like it was going to be a rough night. Not only that, but he thought he wouldn't see the sun the next morning.
Ondina tried to look for signs of men or her colt, but she couldn't see anything due to the darkness and snow. Though she had a feeling she was on the right path. Hidalgo got out of his head, and looked at the herd. Something seemed off. He felt like someone was missing, but he knew it was someone else then the two foals. He tried to figure out who was there, and who wasn't when he realized Ondina was missing.
"Where did Ondina go?" he asked the older mare Rhea.

L - Rhea frowned, should she listen to the stallion or her lead mare? Either way, someone would be angry for not being honest

"She- um, I'm not sure," Rhea murmured looking down at the snow, it had melted around her due to her body heat, the mare flicked her tail nervously, the warm body of her foal missing glaringly obviously in the bitter night


When the man had pulled away, she felt full, uncomfortably so, The unnatural substance sitting like a rock in her stomach, it almost made her feel guilty, almost, but she still knew she needed to eat, and if this was what she was fed she'd have to take it

Looking back over at Navajo she squinted, analyzing him, he had a cut on his shoulder it looked like but other than that maybe a few bruises but nothing life-threatening, she sighed in relief, at least her friend wouldn't leave her anytime soon

The man grunted and went to tie her mouth back up, out of fear she bit his hand, he cursed and pulled up muttering things she didn't understand, he quickly grabbed her mouth then, quicker than she could bite, and wrapped it tightly

She was never punished for such accidental mistakes at home, but this wasn't home, this was torture with brutal handling and rough ties, not soft murmuring from her dam or the warm sun on her back

H - Navajo watched as the man grabbed Ollie as he tried to get up, although it was useless. He just tumbled over again. He gave a snort as he watched the man grab her by the mouth. He tried to get a hold of all his legs after he fell just like when he was born. He got back up and tried to pull at the rope. Navajo honestly didn't know how he kept getting energy and strength.
As the colt was trying to get out of the rope, a man opened the gate. Navajo stopped looking at the two-legged as he gave off a snort. The man chuckled and spoke, but Navajo didn't understand the language. He wouldn't let anymore hands lay a finger on him, as he acted more wild the closer the man got.
Navajo kept fighting as the man was only a foot away from the wild colt. Navajo turned around and bucked kicking the man as he fell to the ground. The man yelled angrily as Navajo turned back around to look at the man on the ground. He seemed proud of what he did, and neighed in a bit of joy and laughter. Soon enough tough the man got back on his feet, and slapped the colt.
Hidalgo wasn't sure if the mare was lying or not, but he knew she was having a rough time, so he didn't push her. Though he had a feeling his lead mare was out searching for her foal. He'd go after her, but it was best to wait til morning.

L - Ollie watched Navajo kick the man, she smirked, he deserved it

The young filly hopped back and forth, trying to loosen the ropes, they were annoyingly itchy and made her want to buck and kick but instead, she rubbed it against the fence, huffing and puffing, snorting through her nose, she didn't know what she did to deserve this, this kind of sick punishment

Taking a deep breath Ollie rested her head against the wood, tired and worn out, the events of the day catching up to her quickly

H - The man cursed, but he left. Although he returned with another man. As one man held him down to the ground, the other looked at the wound. He had poured cold water on the wound which made the colt move around, but couldn't due to being pinned down. The other man looked to have a smaller thing like a rope, and something small and pointy. Navajo didn't know what they were going to do to him, but they didn't do anything until he stopped moving around.
That's when the small pointy object and tiny rope, like string, went through his shoulder. The colt wanted to move and wiggle to get free, but somehow, he knew it would only get worse. He stayed still cooperating, as the needle and thread went in and out of his skin as the man pulled them. Once the two-legged was down, he tied a knot, and cut the string. The second man let go of the colt as Navajo looked over at his wound seeing that it was now closed, but still there.
He slowly got up looking at the two men as they left. He tried to walk around the small pen, but he couldn't walk around far due to him being tied to a fence post. The colt stopped, and eventually looked back up at the stars. He looked at one in particular, the North Star. His father's voice had rang through his head, "If you ever get lost, follow the North Star. It's the biggest and brightest star, and it will help you find your way~" Navajo lowered his head and sighed. He spoke softly, "I miss you mother. I miss you father."
Navajo looked to his side seeing some older horses trotting around.

L - Ollie watched the men... Help? Navajo, he looked to be fine from what she could see, albeit a little sad

Shaking her short brown coat of the snow that settled upon it Ollies eyes danced around, the fence was tall but not so tall she couldn't escape, if only the rope was off, turning her gase to her right Ollie noted that the older horses in the pen were being led out, interesting

Turning back to Navajo she huffed and Whinnied trying to garner his attention, pulling at the rooe harder, is this her life now? Tied permanently to a post? To do nothing more then rot?

H - Navajo looked at Ollie. He didn't know what she wanted, but knew this has been hard on the both of them. Navajo looked at his stomach as it growled. He sighed, "I want to go back to the herd..." he said quietly. He looked over at the horses being let out, and he wanted to be let out to. The other horses seemed to love the men, and they listened to the two-legged. How could a horse love a creature like that?
Despite what Navajo thought, one of the older horses was let into the pen Navajo was in. He stood up, and snorted. The horse seemed to be that of a mare. The men where trying to replace his mom! The colt tried to keep his distance from the mare, but he couldn't go far due to the rope. Although one of the men had entered the small round pen as he undid the rope, but kept part of it on his face. Navajo galloped to the gate, but it shut on him as soon as he reached it.
"I want to go home!!!," he yelled out of frustration as he gathered himself back up. "Let me out!," he snorted as a unfamiliar voice spoke from behind.
"I'm sorry little one, but this is your home now." the mare spoke softly and quietly feeling bad for the colt. Navajo turned around to face the mare.
"No it's not! Your not my mother, and I don't have to listen to you!" he yelled. The mare spoke not a word, but slowly approached the colt. Navajo turned away, and tried to get as far away as he could from the mare whose name was Nigsley.

L - Ollie tilted her head, confusion morphing her features, why would they want to replace his mom? He had a perfectly fine dam and so did she! She didn't want another one she wanted hers!

Turning around at the sound of the gate opening she watched a light grey mare and a man walk in, he was holding her by a rope on her face, she looked kind enough, but she wasn't her mother

The man said something to the mare and then let her go, walking back out closing the gate behind him

"Hi." she held her head lower more on Ollie's level, a soft look overtaking her features "I'm Sugar,"

Ollie snorted, stomping her hoof "I don't need to tell you my name, I want MY mom, not you!" Ollie shook her head backing up against the fence behind her

H - The two mares looked at each other as they were both rejected, but found it fair enough. Navajo tried to keep a distance from the mare, but it was hard when he was in a small round pen. The colt was starving, and didn't know what to do. How was he supposed to sleep in the cold like this with a stranger? Not to mention with a empty stomach.
"You should get some sleep little one," said Nigsley with a soft and quiet voice. The mare was a bay tobiano, and she seemed young. The mare looked at the colt, as she took a small step towards him.
"I don't need to be told what I need from you," he snorted. "Your not my mom, and you will never be anything like-" Navajo paused. He felt something familiar, but what was it?
Ondina kept moving along as she started to smell men. She knew she had to be on the right path, and it was getting close to morning. The mare had to hurry up knowing her mate would be chasing after her soon. She came upon a cliff, and down below was where the men were. There seemed to be more men, and more horses. Most of which she didn't recognize the smell of. It was her colt! Her colt who was in a pen with...another mare? Was she not good enough of a mother? Well not if her foal was taken away from her.
Ondina looked over, and saw Ollie who was indeed with yet another mare. It was almost morning, and she couldn't do anything. The mare turned back around, and started to head back to the herd. She'd have to tell Rhea the news, but had to make sure her mate wouldn't find out her discovery.

L - "I'm sorry, I know it's unfair," The mare- Sugar- said softly, her light grey ears flicking to and fro as she listened to the sounds of the stables "But that doesn't mean you can't make the best of it, hm?" Sugar took a deep breath "I mean, you've got to be exhausted Darling, get some rest," Sugar turned and went to lay in a patch of grass, not too far away but far enough Ollie felt like she could breathe a bit better

Laying a few feet away Ollie kept a close eye on the mare, huffing, and puffing, who did she think she was? Trotting in here acting all kind, she didn't need kind or her at all! She wanted home! With large trees and cool water, her mother's warm milk, and the herd's protective eye.

H - Ondina was almost halfway back to the herd when she came across Hidalgo. "What did you think you were doing running away like that in the middle of the night!?" he said angry.
"I just had to get away from the herd for a bit...I needed to clear my head, and get away from everyone talking about what happened. I'm fine, let's just go," she said walking past the stallion back to her herd. Hidalgo hinted something was up, but he knew she was having a hard time. He turned back around and followed his lead mare.

Nigsley spoke reliving something she never wanted to happen again, "I lost a foal once..." she said,"I was wild once just like you. I gave birth to a beautiful filly who I named Ari. She was gorgeous, and a sweet foal. Though, she wasn't for long..." she said painfully.
The mare had got Navajo's attention,"W-what happened to her?" he asked.
"The herd was grazing on our grazing grounds when some deer came running right toward us. Hunters. The both herds running away together mixed in as one herd of horse and deer, we heard a gunshot. Ari fell to the ground. One of the hunters had shot her which ended up killing her on the spot-" she stopped. "Your too young to be knowing this, idk why I said anything," she said.
Maybe she did know what it was like, but she still wasn't his mother. "I watched my father, Hidalgo, run away with my mother as I laid in the snow covered in ropes..." he said.

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#252374 Posted on 2022-02-08 11:09:48

Ollie watched the mares every movement as she sat up, Sugar looked softly at her before speaking

"I was once like you, you know?" Sugar shook her head, memories of her old life flooding back

"I was young, naive and had not a care in the world, I had a herd and my mother, thought I was invincible." Her mouth curved into a subtle frown, "And I thought that nothing would happen, so I went farther and farther each day until the humans found me, and just like you I fought and fought, but the humans don't care, they want to break you, to make you compliant for them, it's easier that way, now I don't mean give up but.. Maybe try to listen to them, it will be easier for you." Sugar opened her mouth to speak again, but it clicked shut and she instead turned around to lay back down

Ollie blinked, muttering under her breath, she didn't want to believe this was her new life, shaped and molded into someone new someone not her

Shes never wanted her Dam more in her life

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#252375 Posted on 2022-02-08 11:21:22

     "My father is the great Hidalgo..." said the colt sadly, "H-he didn't even try to save me, and I was the only colt this season..." The colt laid down exhausted, and starving. He was too young to be without his dam, and he missed her now more than ever.
     "Your a son of Hidalgo?" the mare said, "I can't believe it. I was once a part of his herd. I didn't think he was still out there." she said surprised. 
     "T-then you know my mother, Ondina?" he asked feeling safer with the mare. When she said yes, he felt better about all of this. The mare promised she would protect him, and keep him safe. Though, she could nothing about his hunger. Why had the men feed his half sister, but none him?

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#252419 Posted on 2022-02-08 21:53:24

Hey, wanna try and roleplay as the opposite mares? So we can roleplay with each other not just with ourself lol, unless it's an oc then it's fine!/

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#252423 Posted on 2022-02-09 04:04:09

Sure I like that idea lmao

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#252516 Posted on 2022-02-10 22:51:27

Sorry, I've been slow with replies, been having a bit if a rough patch lol//

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#252520 Posted on 2022-02-11 04:03:07

your fine!

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#252745 Posted on 2022-02-14 20:24:23

Ollie watched the new world intently, there were so many unusual smells and feelings, the short grass was not as soft, sky not as blue, the horses didn't radiate happiness or content, a solemn feeling in the air, it screamed and rung in her ears, and she wanted it gone.

Sighing, the filly rose to her hooves, her pelt felt grimy, dirt clumped in her tail and dust coating her in a thin layer, making her look dull and grey, she's never wanted a bath more

Making her way to the fence as far as she could, Ollie whinnied softly in Navajos direction, maybe they could try and find a way out?

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#252754 Posted on 2022-02-15 04:20:49

     Navajo turned to look at Ollie and walked over to her. After she told him to try and find a way out he spoke, "I can't Ollie. I'm too tired, and I'm starving..." he said looking down, "Plus what about the mares? They'd be watching us." he said. As much as he wanted to get out of this place, he couldn't. 

Ondina reached the herd with Hidalgo behind, but acted more like herself even though she could never forgive her mate. Her only son, her only foal had been taken from her. Nonetheless, she will try and bring him back. No matter the cost. Ondina walked through the herd, and went to Aria. "I found them," she said quietly to keep Hidalgo from knowing.

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#253832 Posted on 2022-03-03 09:19:40

Ollie snorted, narrowing her eyes "When have you ever given up? Fine, you stay here, I'll find a way out," Ollie turned and walked away, the anger that she felt at herself bubbling to the surface, walking past Sugar the small foal looked around more closely than she has, trying to find any way that the humans failed and would maybe let her out


Rheas ears perked up ad she turned to face Ondina sharply "And you didn't take me?!" The mare hissed, shaking her head 

"Where did you find them? Is Ollie okay?"

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#253839 Posted on 2022-03-03 10:00:26

     Navajo said nothing as Ollie began to search. He wanted to help is any way he could, but he had started to accept defeat. The colt had tried almost everything to leave this place, and nothing worked. "Ollie there way..out," he said hanging his head down low with a sigh. 

     "I'm sorry, but if the both of us left, he'd be onto us," she whispered. "They are on the other side of the cliff down below. It'll be tricky to get down there if we don't know what way they went, but it's worth a shot. We'll have to leave when Hidalgo is asleep. It's our only chance to bring them back," she said.

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