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It’s finally clicking with Rudy

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It’s finally clicking with Rudy

#245113 Posted on 2021-08-06 07:26:30

So, I haven’t updated on my grumpy potato in a while and I finally have had a good horse instructor she mainly works with OTTB’s but takes some western clients and my discipline is western. But, I wanted to say Rudy is on track to getting fit and I’m becoming a confident rider on him, and lunging my grumpy boy. What we’re mostly working on is having him use his back and lift his stomach, and use his hind end. My horse instructor even rode him and lunged him the other day while I was in Quarantine, and my chonky potato can even do english. He’s like on the last holes on the girth but, he can do it. So things are going good with Rudy boi. 

Potato Rude Dude

(if a mod could get the picture to show would be fantastic)

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