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` copy » [:)]


Lighthouse Performance Horses

In Real Life

x My real-life name is Julia, but you can either call me Copy or Jules. Either one works. I am a 30-something mother of two beautiful babies and one angel baby. I used to have a bay AQHA mare named Devine Intervention, but childcare is stupid expensive and so is board, so, unfortunately I had to sell her, but she's, fortunately, in the best home with the best people and I still get to see updates on her, which I'm eternally thankful for. Our oldest was born in 2019, and she absolutely loves horses. Our youngest was born in 2023 and he's a little too young to tell whether he likes horses or not, but he is absolutely a big character. At some point in the future, my husband is wanting me to be a SAHM until our kiddos are old enough to be in school. But for now, I work full-time, take care of the kiddos, and also attend college full-time working towards my bachelors degree in Psychology.

My Husband and I on our wedding day, 10/16/21

Dustin's Raising Kane, our AKC red/rust Doberman

Feona, our Dalmatian

Oliver, our orange tabby....he's kind of a jerk...

Latest and Greatest

01/04/25; First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! Last year was a rollercoaster of a ride with everything that happened with my family and I. I'm going to try to come back to EV, slowly, but we'll see how long that lasts. xD I already bought a ton of Welshies from Blodwyn and picked up some stock horses from some sales. I'm guilty of just grabbing everything that looks fun and appealing and running with it. I'm going to start to slowly unlock my own crew, too, but I want to try to get them to where they're all on the same bars so I know on what days they all need shown or taken to the riding center.

08/26/2024; I decided to disband the Stock Horse Club. I hadn't had much activity, as of late, and I'm not being active enough - nor can I find an admin or two who are active enough - to support running a club. Unfortunately, it's the way the cookie crumbles. I'm also trying to sell off the majority of my horses that aren't stock horses (Appaloosa, Paint, and Quarter Horses). So, they're all in the marketplace - most of them are mixtures of breeds as well as disciplines. If you are interested in just one or two out of a group, please, let me know and I'll create a trade specifically for you and the horses you're interested in. I'm not going to be hugely picky on the EVD or EVC I get from them as long as I get them off my account. It's so much easier to deal with a couple of hundred horses versus 600 some.

07/28/2024; Well, I decided to lock the majority of the ponies, for the time being. We're going to be transitioning to a different internet (hopefully) and I don't want to have to worry about my whole herd being taken care of. I'm trying to work towards a new layout that is a little more in depth-y, but I need a good coder because that is not my strong suit. I can make simple, easy manips, but nothing crazy. LOL I'm still unsure as to what direction I want to take my herd, but for the time being it's just a ragtag bunch of random horses that I thought looked cool. lol

06/02/24; Soooo, I added a ton of Gypsy's to my herd. LOL I also added some more stock horses. We'll see what I end up doing with them. So far, so good, though.

05/05/24; I picked up one lined horse from the horse search. I guess I just can't not have a virtual pony. LOL But I'm going to throw everything I can at this one. Definitely an experiment. Though, I'm not entirely sure what for. But we'll see.

05/02/24; I have not been nearly as active as I'd like to be, but, here we are. :( I decided to retire all of my horses and just make my account strictly a 'perusing' account and just run the SHC to see what happens. I have the whole semester off of college, but I'm still full-time mom and full-time worker, so, it's going to be questionable but I'm going to try to do a lot better. We shall see what happens, though. 

Equus Caballus

Excelling in Performance
Working my way towards some low NSS horses - whether they're stock horses or Gypsy Vanners which is essentially what my crazy herd of horses has turned into.
Emphasis is placed on low NSS horses as well as a high conformation
Horses are put in riding schools between 1 and 3 bars. 4 bars and up, they're entered into shows
My hope for the future is to have strictly stock-type horses on this account and the Gypsy's on a different account.

Public Breeding & Sales
Public Breeding: Horses will have one open slot for public breeding, that will be at age 17. You may reserve public breeding's early. This is to try to eliminate too much craziness going on with my lines while still allowing people a little leeway to get some fresh, new lines.

Public Sales: While it is a rare that I'll have public sales, it is a possibility that I'll offer sales on some of the horses that aren't quite cutting how I want my lines to look. Starting base will be $5,000. Stats, conformation, show record, and number of points will be accounted for in the price. You're always welcome to place a bid on a horse, but that doesn't mean I will accept the bid.

Breed Specialties
x Focusing on Gypsy Vanners, Paint Horses, and Quarter Horses


M, T, W - Green Apple
TR, F, S - Yellow Apple
S - Hay Cubes

M, T, W - Turnip
TR, F, S - Red Apple
S - Sugar Cubes

M, T, W - Turnip
TR, F, S - Green Apple
S - Hay Cubes

M, T, W - Turnip
TR, F, S - Carrot
S - Sugar Cubes

Show Jumping:
M, T, W - Carrot
TR, F, S - Yellow Apple
S - Hay Cubes

M, T, W - Green Apple
TR, F, S - Carrot
S - Sugar Cubes

Show Jumping: Speed & Agility
Dressage: Intelligence & Agility
Endurance: Endurance & Intelligence
Racing: Endurance & Speed
Driving: Endurance & Strength
Western: Intelligence & Speed

Carrot: +1-2 speed
Green Apple: +1-2 intelligence
Red Apple: +1-2 strength
Turnip: +1-2 endurance
Yellow Apple: +1-2 agility

[ TAGS ]
x Amor x


x Ichabod x


x Epsilon x


x Grullo x


x Tyr x



Image by piro4d // Coding by Olympea

Account Information
Member Name ` copy » [:)]
Member ID 35
Account Type Deluxe (541 days left)
Joined January 01, 2008
Last Active 2025-01-23 02:36:31
Member Information
Money on Hand $262,789
Money in Bank $39,133,451
Player Level 30
Horses 562 / 1030

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 53386
This Week 506394
This Month 2265800
All Time 72463471
Show Winnings
Yesterday $76,460
This Week $731,374
This Month $2,792,543
All Time $33,287,833

Member Level
Level 30 Experience 31906600 (100%) EXP Required 3339605 EXP Left -28566995

` copy » [:)]'s Horse Divisions
a Appaloosa Div I a 25 horses
Trained today
b Appaloosa Div II b 50 horses
Trained today
c Paint Horse c LOCKED 50 horses
Trained today
d Quarter Horse Div I d 25 horses
Trained today
e Quarter Horse Div II e LOCKED 25 horses
Trained today
f Quarter Horse Div III f LOCKED 50 horses
Trained today
g Mix || Sales g 8 horses
Trained today
h Trakehner (w) h 50 horses
Trained today
i Show Jumping Welshies i 19 horses
Trained today
j Random Mix j 4 horses
Trained today
k Riding School k 50 horses
Trained today
l Tennessee Walkers l 2 horses
Trained today
m Welsh Ponies I m 28 horses
Trained today
n Welsh Ponies II n 18 horses
Trained today
o Welsh Ponies (w) o 50 horses
Trained today
p Western Show String p 50 horses
Trained today
x Retiree Mares [18+] x 4 horses
Not trained today
x Retiree Stallions [18+] x 4 horses
Not trained today
xxa Baby Barn 8 horses
Trained today
xxb Baby Barn 11 horses
Trained today
xxc Baby Barn 4 horses
Trained today
xxd Arabian Beebs 2 horses
Trained today
xxe 2 Year Olds 2 horses
Trained today
xxe 2 Year Olds 2 horses
Trained today
xxe 2 Year Olds 2 horses
Trained today
xxe New 3 Year-Olds (LOCK) LOCKED 19 horses
Trained today

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Gypsy Vanner Club

Specialists Extraordinaire

Equiverse Performance Association

Low NSS Breeders Club

Friesian Club

Coloured Horse Club

Quarter Horse Club

EV Welsh Pony Association

Equiverse Driving Association

Show Creation Coalition

The Kindness Club

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Arabian Horse Breeders Association

Trakehner Club

Elite Racehorse Registry

Appaloosa Club

The Coding Club

Equiverse Quarter Horse Association

Western Horse Association

American Morgan Horse Association

The Tennessee Walking Federation

For the Well Conformed

Roans Reunited

Dutch Warmblood Society

Equiverse Pony Association

Endurance Elites

Paint Horse Association

American Quarter Horses

American Quarter Horse Foundation Association (AQHFA)

Endurance Riding Association

International Pintaloosa Horse Registry

High Stat Horsies

The Breyer Club

Endurance Club

Dutch Royalty

Equiverse Appaloosa Club

Preferred Specialties
Paint HorseAnyStats
Quarter HorseAnyStats
Gypsy VannerAnyStats