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How can I get these plushies?

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How can I get these plushies?

#218980 Posted on 2020-03-09 15:01:03

I´ve seen some pony plushies I don´t have, and I would like to know if it´s possible to get them at certain time of the year, or maybe they are gone forever and the only way to get them is by trading or buying from a player:

-April´s fools
-New Year

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#218982 Posted on 2020-03-09 15:10:43

Latest news post 02/03

"*Holiday-specific plushies will now be available in the general store on their specific day, at an elevated price, with a purchase limit of one per user. This includes the New Year's, April Fool's, Easter, Halloween (Witch), Thanksgiving, and Lucky plushes.

*These plushies also have a rare chance of being findable via Leisure Riding on their respective days (the Lucky plush can be findable throughout the year as well, since luck can happen any day c:). If you do find the plush in riding, however, it will count towards the 'one per account' rule, so you won't be able to buy it too. Plushies you purchased on old EV won't count towards this rule though, only new plushie acquisitions on this version of the site count towards this one per user limit."

Pinto you may be able to get from another player if they have one spare, unless they're brought back to the general store.

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#218983 Posted on 2020-03-09 15:18:46

I thought that was past information, not for the future. I guess the Veteran will also have it´s special day? Thank you!

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