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White Faced Red Dun!

ForumsLooking For... → White Faced Red Dun!

White Faced Red Dun!

#199546 Posted on 2019-02-03 20:08:51

As the title states, I'm looking for the most gorgeous white face red dun horse you have! Prefer a Shetland, TWH, or Appaloosa, but am not opposed to looking at red duns of any breed as long as he/she has a white face! If its a Shetland, I'd love a white faced Flaxen red dun. Would not be opposed to a red dun with a Snip or blaze either. Does not have to have any patterns or markings aside from the facial markings. Breed isn't a big deal to be honest. Will probably buy more than one. Thanks in advance for any who answer! Please respond with at least a URL so I can easily find them. Thanks again!

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