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2018 go away

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2018 go away

#197654 Posted on 2018-12-21 20:42:38

I haven’t really had a good rant on my whole 2018 year.
It’s been awful. Just... awful

In march, my horse had cancer. It began in the beginning of the year but my vet told me he lost weight because it was winter, even though I knew something was wrong with him.(so I wasted 2+ vet visits to get him checked out because I know I didnt starve him during winter) It took a few months for him to finally be diagnosed and I had him put down March 20th this year. It was hard
This last few months have been the worst of the year though
I got into yet another car  accident in November. It wasn’t my fault, it was the moron semi truck driver’s fault.
I was just in an accident last year, so the car I had was only with me a year.
My car was a write off and I got a new one that turned out to be a complete lemon. It gets me around but it’s super sketchy driving it. I’m going to buy a different car in spring/summer and sell this hunk of junk.
And recently I’ve had some medical problems which have sort of costed me..
And just recently my bf of 2 and a half years split up. We did plan on moving in together this year so now I’m stuck with the rent again this year... rent isn’t cheap where I live...
So, yea.. that’s my crappy year.. i hope you guys had a better year than me

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#197655 Posted on 2018-12-21 20:45:45

Aw, Siren, you can message me whenever. My year has been a little up and down too. Hope 2019 is better :) ♥

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#197802 Posted on 2018-12-24 14:36:48

I am so sorry, that this had to happen to you. 😱🙁

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#198888 Posted on 2019-01-20 09:13:09

I hear you there Siren.  I have a terrible 2018 as well. It started out really well but the last 4 months have been horrible.  I moved from MN to WI to go to school had a gut feeling I shouldn't leave... Left any way.  Had a BF at the time that was begging me to move to WI and go to school there, so I caved...  

Spent 2 months looking for a place to rent, this area is tuff to find rentals, literally moved into my house the day before school started, had no time to adjust or even move in.  Was sick for the first month, lost my job and fell way behind in school work.  Was financially strapped as the BF had decided to quit his job as soon as I moved to WI and was using my money, car, and time on the weekends to take his kids on mini Vaca's. I begged him to just stay home so I could work on my school work he would say I can only see you on the weekends I don't want to spend time sitting around while you do school work...   After I broke up with him he took all my food and cooking utensils so with $100 to my name I had to buy food for 2 weeks, a pot and pan so I could cook food as he took the microwave, and some how pay for gas.  As he insisted I live inbetween him and school which atm I am 50 miles from the Campus and spend over 60 dollars a week in gas, needless to say I had to drop out of school due to having not been able to do school work and was already failing after 6 weeks, Half way thru the semester, and I couldnt afford the gas to get to school.  

To top it all off I couldn't see my horse due to everything going on and was unable to go to the barn for over 8 weeks, I asked the barn owner and staff if they could keep an eye on the big guy for me they said sure thing...  Fast worward 9 weeks and I was finally able to come to the barn and was immediatly bombarded by staff saying my horse had been very lame for over a month...  Fast foward another 2 weeks and he was diagnosed with a DDFT injury that he was allowed to walk on for aver 2 months...   I am being told by the Vet to prepare for the worst, she believes that he will never be sound and that it may be the kindest thing to just put him down if we dont see any signs of healing in the next 6 months...  To add insult to injury the management of the Boarding facility has again showed that they cant do the most basic things and his stall wasnt cleaned or even fed for over 3 days...  I pay over $700 a month for this place... Needless to say I have found another facility will be moving him Feb 1st...

Still more lol I have been blackballed by my previous employer and have been unable to acquire another part time job and the Vets office refused to work with me and demanded full payment of over $1200 in vet bills Jan 1. So that has now made me so broke that I cant even afford to drive to the barn every day (50 miles away) and hand walk him like I need to to make sure his tendon doesn't heal so tight that he will be more likely to re-injure himself... That and I am so depressed I just want to give up.. School starts at the end of the month and I don't even have the gas money to even get there 3 days in a row...  Trust me girl I hope 2019 is better for the both of us. Its not looking good but I am holding hope that it does cuz its been really rough...

Last edited on 2019-01-20 at 09:16:11 by Kholours

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