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Design Sale

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Design Sale

#1962 Posted on 2016-02-15 01:32:43

Art by me. Lines by nihaleren.
This was originally for a contest, but it didn't place so it's up for sale now. ^^

I'd like 150k or better for it.

- You may NOT resell the design. If you no longer want it, please return it.
- This image may not be reposted anywhere without my permission. I'm happy to let you post it, but I'd like to know where it's going first.
- If you get my permission to post this somewhere, you must provide credit and a link back to my account and the original image post.
- Once claimed you must pay for the design within 24 hours or I will open it again.

Last edited on 2016-02-16 at 13:28:52 by 221B

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