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*Withdraw entry from club competition

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → *Withdraw entry from club competition

*Withdraw entry from club competition

#195473 Posted on 2018-11-30 05:38:23

Haven't thought this through but some of you more teckie minded may have the solution

Have just entered a competition with an ineligible horse which was accepted.  Realised mistake as finger slipped.  Could there be some form of button available to the entrant to withdraw their own horse so they can make a substitution.  clubs allow only one entrant per competition (quite rightly so) but if someone makes a genuine mistake like I did, then they cannot enter with their eligible prospect.

Alternatively, if the admins/owner of the club could be granted the right of deletion for the ineligible horse on the advice of the competitor that might serve the same purpose.  Though this may take time, depending on when they are available & extra work which I was trying to avoid with the first suggestion.

Last edited on 2018-12-07 at 16:12:59 by River

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