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large art + tag auction

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large art + tag auction

#1491 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:33:19

So... I'm sure you can all feel my pain here but I spent way too much on new pons in this recode. And arenas. And everything really... Soooo I need to make some EVD/EVC back. Woops! Solution? Auction off some recolors of some art I was just poking around with.

end date tbd

1. Yes I'm aware the first one doesn't have my signature on it. That's fine.
2. I'm also aware the tag/large art don't match. I was just playing around with it.
3. No selling for more than you bought.
4. May pay in EVC for no more than half the payment.
5. Small add-ons,no intensely complicated markings. They don't scale down well.
6. Horns will be removed from the first set.

SB - 100k
MI - 10k
AB - 650k


Horse 1:
1. SB by
2. SB by
3. SB by

Horse 2:
1. SB by
2. SB by
3. SB by

Last edited on 2016-02-14 at 18:46:04 by ₸ayzz

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#1506 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:49:14

Horse 1:
1. SB by
2. SB by
3. SB by

Horse 2:
1. SB by Orla
2. SB by
3. SB by

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