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Life's Struggles [1x1]

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Life's Struggles [1x1]

#171748 Posted on 2018-05-26 08:48:22

Morgan || Ryker

Shaking Simon’s hand and still keeping her left hand in Carter’s hand. “Yeah, we’re from the same group that’s supposed to be going to the falls but we sorta got lost and found each other....but, now we found you two and if your part of the group we can all travel together. Blinking her blue eyes to Carter and leaning close to his ear “I mean safety in numbers but if you don’t want to we can travel alone I mean I’m okay with anything.” Giving Carter’s hand a slight squeeze and then looking back to Simon holding Addy. “Did you hurt yourself?” Blinking her blue eyes in concern and stepping foreward slightly letting go of his hand and pulling her backpack off pulling out a bottle of Advil she had. Holding out the Advil with a smile and then getting out the carabiner in her pack. “Come here Pearl and Ryker.” Squatting down and holding out her arms with a smile attaching the carabiner to Ryker’s leash and to Pearl so they would stay together. Handing the extra carabiner for Simon and Addy’s dogs. Standing back up and then grabbing Carter’s hand once more out of nervousness.

Addalyn || Gemni

Listening to Morgan’s word and looking st the boy beside her. Cheeks turning red with embarrassment and feeing her skin grow hot and sweaty. “Yeah, being my clumsy self I tripped over a tree root.” Feeling secure on the back of Simon and still keeping her position with her arms wrapped around his neck. Watching as Morgan pulled out Advil and a carabiner she smiled “Can we travel together?” Looking at Simon trying to study his facial expression. “I-I t-think I can walk for a bit as long as all of you are okay with traveling a bit slower....” asking the question hesitantly and blinking her hazel-green eyes. Resting her head on Simon’s shoulder again with a little smile.

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#171753 Posted on 2018-05-26 09:51:01

Carter || Pearl

Carter gave a small nod and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine with traveling in a larger group." His hand dropped from Morgan's when she released her grip. His hands trembled from nervousness causing him to hide them behind his back. Pearl pushed her wet nose in his hand, trying to calm him down. His heart was beating quickly, anxiety rising in his chest. He took a deep breath, shaking it away, pushing the thoughts from his mind. It was better to travel in numbers, he had to remind himself. He wiped his sweaty palms on the leg of his pants, giving Pearl a pat on the head to tell her he was fine. His blue eyes focused on Morgan while she attached a carabiner to Pearl and Ryker.

Simon || Buffy

Simon released Morgan's hand with a smile still on his face. With a nod he agreed with Morgan and Carter, while also answering Addy's question, "Yes, of course, I mean we are all going to the same place anyways so we might as well go there all together." He accepted the a carabiner from Morgan, attaching it to Buffy and Gemni's leashes. "Are you sure that you're okay walking," he questioned, turning his head slightly to look at Addy out of the corner of his eye. "I mean, I'm fine with carrying you, but if you're up to it...," he paused for a moment then looked to Morgan and Carter, "And if you too don't mind go at a slower pace." Simon didn't see any real rush of getting to the rest of the group besides the obvious dangers of being in the forest with little self defense. 

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#171756 Posted on 2018-05-26 10:30:57

Morgan || Ryker 

Nodding her head and standing back up “Absolutely whatever pace is fine with me. “ Crouching back down and rubbing Pearl once “Make sure Ryker listens girl he gets sidetracked easily.” Giving a little giggle and kissing both on the head before standing back up “Well the river is going that way so the only logical way would be to go in the direction it’s coming from.” Glancing her blue eyes at Carter and to Simon and Addy shrugging her shoulders open to other ideas as well. Ryker giving  a little bark and wagging his butt stayed beside Pearl letting her take the lead obeying her rules. Morgan smiled casting her blue eyes down to Carter’s hand casually dropping her free hand near him to grab if he wanted to. Casting her eyes towards the dark grey clouds and giving a shudder with the storm approaching. 

Addalyn || Gemni

“If it starts hurting again I’ll let you carry me again.” Smiling and taking the Advil bottle taking two out and swallowing them. Passing the bottle back and smiling at them. “If your up to carrying me again later.” Giving a little giggle only meant for him to hear her words she spoke. On the ground and wincing a bit but shrugging off the pain. “Well we better get moving quickly those look like storm clouds in the distance....” voice cracking a bit as she let out an involuntary shudder to where she pointed at the dark grey clouds and feeling the cold breeze. “Either that or we better find a-shelter”  Glancing down at Gemni now attached to Buffy she smiled a bit knowing both dogs were okay. With her right hand Addy slowly grabbed Simon’s for something to take her mind off the approaching storm and her foot that hurt.

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#171951 Posted on 2018-05-27 12:21:21

Carter || Pearl

Carter looked up at the overcast sky, the dark clouds looming over and threatening to spill over with the oncoming rain. "That's alright," he mumbled before pulling his blue eyes away from the sky. A single drop of water fell on the bridge of his nose causing him to blink and instantly reach his hand up to wipe it away. "But it definitely looks like we'll be soaked soon if we don't find shelter." He looked to Simon and Addy, then to Morgan.  "So I guess we should start following the river upstream." His hands fell back at his sides, his left on brushing against Morgan's own. Embarrassment flooded him as he looked away, unsure if he should grab her hand or not. It felt weird to him, out of place from his mind. But when he saw Addy grab Simon's hand, he felt more relaxed and put his own hand in Morgan's.

Simon || Buffy

Simon simply nodded, "Okay." He slowly bent his knees, bringing himself slowly to the ground and letting Addy down. One hand held on to her before letting go for a moment when she was steady on her feet. A laugh escaped when Addy mentioned carrying her again. "You know my back is a little sore," he joked with another laugh following. "Just kidding, I don't mind." At the mention of an oncoming storm from the others, it caused Simon to look up at the sky. Dark clouds were rolling towards them quickly. A raindrop hit him square on the forehead, another hitting his cheek. "I agree, we will be walking mops if we don't get away from this rain. Warmth hit his hand when he realized that Addy had placed her own in his. He gave her a smile, closing his hand around hers. "Everyone ready," he asked, looking at each of them. He began walking alongside the river, watching the water flow in the opposite direction than they were heading. A rumble of thunder cracked against the sky causing Buffy to yank against the leash attached to the carabiner. Simon reached his free hand to stroke the canine, calming her down. 

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#171991 Posted on 2018-05-27 15:46:45

Morgan || Ryker 

Feeling the wet slow drops of rain start to come from the cloud and hearing the rumble of thunder in the distance indicating that the storm was getting closer. Feeling her heart rate increase and her hand getting sweaty she gave a involuntary shudder as they began to hike in the direction thst they decided to go. Ryker giving another short bark and straning at the leash began to walk in a faster pace. Spotting a rocky opening and giving another sharp bark tugging at the leash attached to Pearl and wagging his butt quicker. Watching with her blue eyes Ryker’s reactions and glancing back towards Simon and Addy and then beside her at Carter. “I think he’s trying to tell us something we don’t know.” Giving a little giggle at Ryker’s actions and trying to make light of the current situation that they were in her anxiety about the storm increasing as more rain began to fall from the dark gray clouds above them. Hearing the comment that Addy made about storms and giving a light smile trying to not start crying in the middle of the forest. “I don’t like storms either and so that’s one thing we have in common.” Keeping her sweaty hand in Carter’s and frowning as another rumble of thunder could be heard louder this time.

Addalyn || Gemni 

Shaking her head and smiling at Simon’s comment about his back and then nodding her head agreeing with them about which way to go. Hearing the thunder from above sent chills down Addy’s spine and increased her heart beat and pulse hearing the pounding of her blood rushing to her ears. Hazel-green eyes sparkling anxiously around as they walked looking for anywhere to take shelter. “I-I don’t like being out in S-Storms....” voice cracking once more anxiety eating away inside her as she tightened her grip on Simon’s hand slightly letting out a shaky breath that she was holding back. Gemni tugged foreward with Buffy giving a short whine and pressing her cold nose to Addy’s palm and licking it gently trying to comfort her owner with the anxious smell wafting off of her human. 

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#178100 Posted on 2018-07-07 15:59:44

Carter || Pearl

Carter felt the rain pouring down on him, the cold wetness numbing his skin like ice and causing him to visibly shiver. Thunder rumbled lowly, getting louder and louder by the second. The sharp barking noise caught his attention and his gaze looked around in search of what Ryker could be barking about, but nothing caught his attention. "What is it boy," he asked the canine goofily and scratched Ryker's head. Carter looked at Morgan and shrugged, "I don't speak doganese." He laughed at his stupid joke, getting cut off by a loud boom of thunder and a crackling light streaking across the sky. He nearly jumped out of his own skin, tumbling in to Morgan and knocking them both to the ground. "S-sorry," he stuttered stumbling to get to his feet. His face flushed red with embarrassment. Carter wasn't normally frightened by storms, but the sudden surprise of the deafening thunder caught him off guard. Not to mention that they were out in the middle of the storm with no shelter. He wiped mud off his hands with his soaked pants and held an arm out and grasped Morgan to help her to her feet. Behind him he heard Simon's voice cutting through the sound of the pouring rain mention shelter. Carter's gaze followed to where Simon was pointing, his eyes landing on a small opening in the rocks. He nodded and practically dragged Morgan along with him, Pearl and Ryker following at their sides.

Simon || Buffy

Simon squeezed Addy's hand gently as a distraction and reassurance in an attempt to comfort her. The rain was getting heavier and the cold rain had soaked his clothes causing them to cling uncomfortably to his skin. The deafening sound of thunder hit his ears, Buffy instantly moving closer and giving a small whine. Simon reached with his free hand and stroked the spooked canine to calm her down, his other hand releasing its grip on Addy's hand. He wrapped his arm around her and hugged her closer to him. Simon was desperately wishing to get out of the storm quickly. "Guys," he called out to Morgan and Carter. "Over there," he said as he pointed to an opening in the rocks that seemed to lead to shelter. His eyes went back to Addy, his gaze blurry from the drops of rain running down his face. He quickly made his way to the opening, following Carter and Morgan inside, his grip around Addy never loosening. Buffy shook her coat free of the water, droplets hitting Simon. A sigh left his body as his body involuntarily shivered from the coldness. 

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#178165 Posted on 2018-07-07 20:23:28

Morgan || Ryker

Hearing the loud clap of thunder and shivering feeling a hard force slam into her body causing her to fall to the ground. Closing her blue eyes quickly and then blinking them as she opened them seeing thst Carter had tumbled into her. Allowing herself to be pulled up from the ground and giggling at what he said. Spotting the cave and grabbing Carter’s hand shaking from the coldness of the rain they made her red plaid flannel shirt and yoga pants cling to her body in a sticky and uncomfortable way. Entering into the cave and stopping inside the coldness of the cave chilling her making goosebumps form on her arm. Shaking and dropping her backpack to the ground, bending down and unzipping it feeling her hand through the pack and pulling out a flashlight. Setting the flashlight down on the ground so it illuminated the cave around them to have light. Setting the rest of her bags down and pulling out the sleeping bag dragging it to the nearest wall and sitting down shaking from the coldness. Ryker giving his deep bark whined at the thunder and made his way closer to Morgan laying down and resting his head in her lap knowing the fear scent and anxiety scent tumbling off her in waves. 

Addy|| Gemni

Feeling the tight squeeze of Simon’s hand when the thunder sounded and hearing Buffy whine with Gemni’s high pitched whine. Gulping and following next to Simon accepting his arm around her as they entered. The cold air hitting her wet and cold skin causing more shivers. Watching as Morgan put down a large flash in the center to illuminate the cave. Setting her bags down and pulling out her sleeping bag and sitting on it. Hearing another loud crack of thunder and lightning illuminating the outside with heavy rain coming down. Addy gulped once more blinking her hazel-green eyes that widened in fear as Gemni pressed against her for comfort. Hearing another loud book of the thunder and feeling hot tears sliding down her face beginning to bite her nails nervously and letting out a quiet sob as she hugged Gemni. Hearing another loud boom and realesing the death-like grip on Gemni using her hands to cover her ears shaking in fear.

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#178327 Posted on 2018-07-09 17:26:40

Carter || Pearl

Carter sat on the cold surface of the cave floor with a puddle of water forming beneath him. He shrugged his backpack off and unclipped Pearl and Ryker from the carabiner attached to it. Pearl laid next to Carter, laying her head in his lap and licking his hands. He reached a hand up and stroked her head, bringing out a hidden dog treat and offering it to her. The canine took the treat, nibbling on it piece by piece and licking up the scattered crumbs off of Carter's lap. Carter began to warm from Pearl's body acting as a heater and he began to shiver less and less. He loosened his shoe laces and removed his boots and sopping wet socks and replaced them with some dry ones. He let silence fall over them, the only sounds were the raindrops hitting the ground outside, the panting of the dogs, and the soft breathing from the four of them. The silence was only broken when a quiet whine came from one of the dogs, Buffy. She was clearly shaking with fear. "I've never seen a dog so afraid of thunderstorms," he commented towards Simon. Even the many days of working at a pet store and caring for animals he had never seen one more terrified. He reached a hand out toward the frightened canine slowly only to receive a warning growl before she backed away and pressed herself against Simon.

Simon || Buffy

Simon let go of Addy, dropping his arm to his side. His breathes were staggered as he shivered from the cold, wet shirt clinging to his body. He dropped his backpack to the ground and without a word, pulled the soaked shirt over his head exposing his bare torso to the cold air that stuck to him more than the wet shirt did. Ringing the shirt free of any excess water, he dropped it next to his backpack and pulled out a grey flannel, quickly putting it on to get warm. Just as he was pulling out his sleeping bag and placing it down just as the girls had, a soft whine came from Buffy. "I think it's a PTSD thing from when she was a police dog," he replied. He turned just in time to see Carter reach out to pet Buffy, "I wouldn't try-" He was cut off by the canine's warning. He reached down and placed a hand on the canine's back, stroking her with his other hand. Buffy began to calm, her shaking body now only at the result of her fur being wet and cold. Simon hugged Buffy closer to him and he silently detached her leash from the carabiner. "Don't pet her when she's frightened is what I was trying to say," he explained, his eyes landing back on Carter who only returned with the response of a nod. Simon looked over to where Addy was shaking and shivering. He dug a hand into his bag, pulling out the blanket he had slept with last night. He crawled over next to Addy, wrapping the blanket around her gently. Instinctively and without much thought, her began to rub her back in soothing circles to distract her from the storm raging outside the cave.

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#178333 Posted on 2018-07-09 17:54:05

Morgan|| Ryker 

Shivering from the coldness and taking off her boots and wet socks and placing them to the side. Closing her blue eyes and pulling the little blanket around her body with Ryker pressed against her. Seeing Buffy whining and Addy start to cry from the storm. Standing up and keeping Ryker in his position to lay on the sleeping bag, Morgan made her way closer to where Carter and Simon were. Sitting down gently close to Addy and looking with sympathetic blue eyes. “If it m-makes it better I’m scared of storms as well Addy. But, mostly I’m scared of the darkness so if that flashlight goes out I’d be a sobbing mess ” Shaking from another loud boom and then glancing her soft blue eyes to Carter motioning him to sit beside her with her head in the direction. Looking at Addy and then the ground once more. “You know what the bright side to all of this is?” Smiling and looking around at the dogs and then to Simon and Addy and then to Carter  “We all have each other and I’m sure after this we all will be pretty good friends.” Seeing the lightning flash outside the cave and followed by another rumble of thunder. Flexing her hand and squeezing her hands trying to focus on anything other than the storm. “We all have fears some worse than others but, we learn to deal and get over it.” Running a hand down strawberry red hair once more and then placing out her free hand beside her with easy access so if Carter wanted to grab it. Ryker still on the sleeping bag had settled himself comfortably down all curled in a little ball the storm not being a problem for him. 

Addy| Gemni

Hearing Buffy’s whines momentary as she let her hands fall from her ears. Jumping slightly and feeling a soft warm blanket cover her and a soft larger hand begin to rub her back in attempts to comfort her. Jumping and practically latching onto Simon’s side and closing her Hazel-green eyes and shaking with more tears running down her face. Hearing the words that Morgan had said nodding in a response “Well being trapped in a storm with no where to go is not my idea of something someone should go through.” Speaking her mind to Morgan and then hearing a more thunder. Slightly gripping Simon’s arm as the flash of lightning lit the sky. “M-make it stop S-Simon” fear shining in her hazel-green eyes as she buried her face into the crook of his arm more hot liquid spewing from her eyes. Gemni panting softly beside her and moving closer in attempts to cheer her human up. Soft fingers still clinging onto Simon like he was a safety net for her. Addy finally stopping the shaking and keeping her face in his arm. “P-please make it stop” looking innocently with her hazel-green eyes they held unshed tears as she moved her face to watch him. Light blonde hair soaked with the rain as she stayed practically in Simon’s lap facing him. Hearing another boom and then biting her lip and hiding her head and hazel-green eyes once more into the crook of his neck breathing heavily. 

Last edited on 2018-07-10 at 04:02:29 by Daphne101

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#178733 Posted on 2018-07-13 13:04:01

Carter || Pearl

Carter's hand was shaking at the sudden fright as he held it close to him, not daring to so much as look at Buffy. He knew it was out of anxiety that Buffy had acted viciously, but that didn't make him any less worried that his hand could have nearly been chomped off by the canine. Hesitantly, he lifted Pearl's head off of his lap commanding of her to stay put while he inched his way over and sat next to Morgan and the others. He didn't utter a single word, unsure of what to say as his eyes darted from one face to the next. His body still shivered from the cold air once again, but it was almost a numb feeling to him now that he hardly noticed. The storm continued to rumble with the sounds of thunder. Morgan's words of comfort distracted him from the worries of possible unknown of what could happen and just as soon as his heart started to race with worry it began to calm. He placed his hands on either side of him, leaning back and closing his eyes. While in thought, he felt the warmth of Morgan's hand near his own. Carter's eyes opened slowly and he hesitated for only a second before intertwining his hand with hers. He closed his eyes once more, a wave of tiredness hitting him. It couldn't hurt to rest his eyes for a few moments anyways.

Simon || Buffy

Simon held Addy close to him as she jumped, feeling her strong grip on him. He would be lying if the death grip didn't hurt a little but he ignored it. "Well no it's not, but at least we are together," he said calmly to Addy's frank comment on the situation, "It would be much worse if we were all separated on our own." Buffy had inched herself behind Simon, hiding herself between him and the wall of the cave. He heavy panting could be felt against his leg, but soon the canine was so worn out from anxiety that she had fallen asleep behind him. Another flash out lightning and boom of thunder sounded causing Addy jump and Simon to pull her impossibly closer. Her face was buried into his arm and he could feel the wetness of tears. His hand was still rubbing soft circles on her back while the other was softly stroking her hair. She pulled back for a moment, and Simon looked at her puffy and red eyes glossy with fresh tears to spill. He gave a small grin, wiping a stray tear away with his thumb. He brought her back to him, hugging her closely while rocking side to side almost as if she were a child. "The storm will pass soon," he whispered in to her ear assuring her. 

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#178762 Posted on 2018-07-13 19:47:00

Morgan|| Ryker

Feeling Carter’s hand on hers and giving it a small squeeze letting out a yawn. “I’m too tired to go back over there....this is big enough for the four of us so I’m sleeping here.” Nodding her head once as if to confirm herself and then laying down on her back staring up st the wall “I always saw Thunder is just horses running above.” Blinking her light blue eyes and then turning to her side looking at Carter with a small smile. “As long as we have each other we’re perfectly fine.” Closing her light blue eyes and drifting off into a sleep that tugged on her. Soon soft snoring could be heard coming from Morgan as she involuntary shifted her body closer to Carter soft snores coming out. 

Addy|| Gemni

Gemni asleep beside Buffy on the floor. Nodding and still keeping her position in his lap being gently rocked and still clinging to him with a grip but loosening it. Hearing Simon’s reassuring words about the group and the storm Addy nodded quietly. As the rain began to die down Addy loosening her death-like grip on Simon “S-sorry about that..” indicating the red nail marks she left in his forearm and side where her grip was so tightly. Turning a shade of red and breathing slowly. Addy shifted positions but still staying in Simon’s lap a yawn overtaking her mouth pressing closer to Simon the one she felt safe with. Hazel-green eyes closing slowly as Addy rested her head against his chest listening to the steady rhythmic heartbeat that pulled her into a light sleep. 

You can make it morning for them whenever)

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#178939 Posted on 2018-07-15 06:08:06

Carter || Pearl

Carter jolted awake, a sheen of sweat covering his body that made it evident that he had just woken from a nightmare. His heart was racing as the images of him running from an unknown force down a narrow wooded path flashed through his mind. He felt a heavy figure plop on his lap and he looked down to see Pearl looking up at him with soft puppy eyes filled with worry. His shaky hand landed on her head and began to stroke her, Pearl's tail wagging in response. Carter's mind began to clear and he took in his surroundings. The dim lighting of the flashlight didn't illuminate the dark much, the dying batteries struggling to provide. Next to him, he noticed that Morgan was closer and their hands were still intertwined. His face flushed red at the sight, but while he wanted to pull his hand away, the feeling comforted him. Carter have out a soft sigh, leaning back against the rocks and closing his eyes, all thoughts of the previous nightmare forgotten and pushed to the far edges of his mind. His breathing stables and moments later he was brought back into a deep sleep.

Simon || Buffy

Simon continued to sway back and forth, feeling Addy release her tight grip with embarrasment etched on her face. "It's alright, don't worry about it," he assured her, ignoring the red marks that appeared. The storm clouds began to move on and the rain slowed and eventually stopped. Simon sighed, halting his swaying motions when he realized that Addy had fallen asleep in his arms. A smile crept on his face at the sight. He turned slightly, his hold around Addy loosening as he softly laid her down on the sleeping bag. He tugged the blanket up around her and gently pulled her boots off and placed them off to the side. He pulled his own boots off, placing them next to Addy's and with a deep yawn laid down and stared up at the ceiling of the cave until the last sliver of the orange glow of the sun could no longer be seen. His eyes fluttered closed and another yawn escaped as he turned over and wrapped a gentle arm around Addy and fell into a deep sleep.

Simon woke to the sound of someone digging in their bag, his eyes still heavy with sleep as they searched around, landing on Carter who was munching on a granola bar. His arm still wrapped around Addy, he slowly lifted his head and propped it up with his free hand. "Good morning," he said sleepily, a yawn following his words. Buffy was instantly up in Simon's face when she noticed he was awake and licked his face, giving him slobbery kisses. Simon scrunched his nose, laughing at the happy canine. "Alright, that's enough," he said, pushing Buffy back and scratching her behind her ear.

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#178942 Posted on 2018-07-15 06:42:36

Morgan|| Ryker

Letting out a little groan and opening her light blue eyes gently looking at Carter who had dug out a granola bar and was eating it. Scanning her eyes to Simon who was awake and then to the sleeping figure of Addy beside Simon. Sitting up Indian style and letting go of the hand that she held all night. “Is there more food and water?” Running her light blue eyes once again with her hands and then standing up with another yawn. Walking to where Ryker was sleeping and bending down unzipping the dog food bag. Getting out the collapsible bowls and filling them for the dogs and placing them separately away so the dogs wouldn’t fight. “Go eat guys.” Smiling and then watching as Ryker stood up and shook his red Merle colored fur and walked slowly to the dog bowl beginning to eat. “So what are the plans for today?” Smiling and sitting back down close to where Carter was with a grin “You know I don’t exactly know how old anyone is here and we should all give some more info about us.....Incase like one of us is a secret assassin. Giggling at her  comment “Carter is definitely a secret assassin out to get us all.” Blinking her shining light blue eyes at Carter and then to Simon and then to Addy who had just woken up. 

Addy|| Gemni

Gemni moving from Addy’s body and walking to the filled food bowl that Morgan had filled slowly began to eat munching on the dry kibble. Hearing the dogs munching and lifting her head from where she was laying against Simon as a pillow. Sitting up and moving her head from Simon and sitting up Indian style as well. Hearing Morgan’s funny comment and blinking her hazel-green eyes softly. “For all we know both Simon and Carter could be ninja assassins sent to get rid of us.” Gigging and looking down at her slightly swollen ankle the one she sprained the other day the swelling decreasing. “I agree with Morgan let’s all say some more info and our ages.” Blinking towards Simon and then to the rest of the gang lacing her hand that was closest to Simon in his free hand close to hers.

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#178961 Posted on 2018-07-15 10:29:21

Carter || Pearl

Carter ate on his granola bar quietly, hearing Simon and the others waking. "Good morning," he replied in between bites. He dug through his bag once more and pulled out another granola bar that was half broken in the package and a nearly empty package of trail mix. "Take your pick," he said holding out both to Morgan, "This is all I have left." He pulled out three water bottles as well and handed one each to everyone. He finished off his granola bar and took a sip of water, watching Pearl slowly get up and walk over to one of the food bowls and eat away at the doggy kibble slowly. His attention was brought back to Morgan and Addy's comment and he stiffened, turning his head to Simon who had the same look on his face. A smile crept on both of their faces and burster out laughing simultaneously. The laughing fit calmed and both turned back to seriousness, while Carter forced himself to not burst out laughing once again as Simon talked about himself. "I suppose I'll go next," he spoke with a grin on his face. His eyes looked to each on of them before speaking. "First off, I'm seventeen, born on November sixteenth," he began, "Born and raised in New York, but I'm temporarily staying with my cousin's, one of them is actually also a part of the survival group, but she didn't come along on this camping trip." Carter shrugged, thinking about anything else they he should say. "Morgan already knows but I have severe anxiety and take medicine for it and I also have Pearl who helps me." He motioned to the canine who sagged her tail at the mention of her name as she continued to eat her dog kibble.

Simon || Buffy

Simon finally sat up, propping his arms on his knees. Buffy retreated her licking attacks and trotted up to a bowl, almost scarfing down the entire bowl in one bite. Simon accepted the bottle of water from Carter and took a sip while thinking. "Well for starters, we need to get to the falls with the rest of the group," he said slowly. He was lost with his own thoughts when he heard Morgan and Addy speak again. A smile formed, but was quickly hidden as he looked up with wide eyes, landing on Carter's figure that held the same expression. A burst of laughter came from the two as they realized they had had the same thoughts and reaction to what the girls said. The laughing resided and Simon composed himself before speaking. "Who says a secret assassin wouldn't just make up a new identity and lie about who he was," he joked, nudging Addy with his elbow playfully and a smile forming on his lips. "But if you insist on delving into my personal life, I suppose I'll make up a story." He laughed once more at his silly comment. "I'm eighteen years old as of February fourteenth, last name Crimm, middle name Matthew not that that really matters," he goofed around, "I was born in Canada, but we moved here when I three and I am fluent in speaking both French and English, oh and I have two cats at home named Minnie and Mickey." He looked back at Addy and playfully messed up her hair. "Satisfied," he asked with laugh. Carter spoke simply about himself and Simon listened. "Alright, now you two have to prove that you guys aren't some secret agents of something," he said while pointing at Morgan and Addy.

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#178983 Posted on 2018-07-15 14:45:53

Morgan|| Ryker 

Laughing at what Simon said and listening to both what Carter and Simon said already knowing Carter’s last name which was ‘Beck’ which to Morgan sounded way cooler than her own. Clearing her throat “Well you boys caught us in secretly an agent sent from Mars to get Intel on you two.” Giggling and then sitting up straighter “Well as you know I’m middle name is Elaine which I hate with a passion because it’s so last century and then my last name is Blackwell.” Taking a short breath and then beginning again with her story “I’m from Raleigh, NC and my birthday is April fifteenth and I’m sixteen .” Smiling and then looking and the rest of the others that looked so intently at her. “I got sent on this trip by my mother who runs a dog breeding kennel where I got Ryker from but, to help deal and get me into making friends more since my father and twin sister died by a drunk driver a little over a year ago...” flexing her hands that began to sweat and grabbing Carter’s hand and clearing her throat. “Addy now where do you come from?”  Blinking her light blue eyes and tracing the inside of Carter’s hand slowly feeling comfort in the little pattern circle she was tracing in his palm. Hearing his name and then shifting over to look at Morgan before continuing on eating his breakfast. Looking as Addy nodded and turning to Carter with a grin “I bet Carter is.” Falling on top of him and using her free hands to attack any open spot with her hands trying to make him laugh. 

Addy| Gemni

Hearing everyone’s little story and hazel-green eyes shimmering with humor as Simon ruffled her hair and nudged her elbow. “Well my full name is Addalyn Grace Sumter, I hate my full name so I just go by Addy since it’s shorter and some people Miaspell or mispronounce it.” Giggling and then turning to Simon with a smile before look to the rest with her hazel-green eyes. “Well I’m from Louisville, Kentucky and I’m the only child my birthday is October thirty-first and I’m seventeen.” Flexin her hands and then looking st the ground before looking back up “My fears are being alone, Thunder as you could tell last night and then I’m highly afraid of crowded areas.” Looking to them and then giving Morgan a little grin nodding her head. “Let’s see if your ticklish.” Grinning and then turning to Simon reaching out with her grabby hands and reaching for his sides with a grin. 

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