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Life's Struggles [1x1]

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Life's Struggles [1x1]

#205511 Posted on 2019-06-30 06:58:34


Feeling Carter come up behind her and place a kiss to her cheek gently and leaning into the kiss slightly with a half smile. “I-I guess your r-right.” Stuttering it out and then taking her sub out and eating half of it and then putting it away in the fridge. Nodding to Simon and taking out the decorations of streamers, balloons, and lights. “I’ll start on one side and you can start on the other so we can hang the streamers and lights. Putting the streamers down and going to the closet to get a step stool to stand up on. Morgan carrying the step stool into the living room and placing it down on the floor. Walking over and bending down to pick up the first set of streamers and climbing onto the step stool. Knees wobbling as she lost balance momentarily before steadying herself. “Hand the lights....please.” Holding her hand out and getting the adhesive hook to pin to the wall with streamers and lights. “This place is going to look like a castle when we’re done.” Holding our a hand to high five Simon and booking the lights and streamers above to dangle down. Stepping down and then admiring the lights and streamers she had hung on her side. “C’mon Crimm, chop chop chop my mother can move faster than you.” A taunting and teasing in her voice as she let out a giggle and continued working on her side.


Finishing her sub halfway and then wrapping the rest back up. “Everything will go fine.” Saying the words aloud and heading into the kitchen and pausing to hear Carter’s words. “Yeah, Thanks.” Beginning to set out the ingredients on the counter to make the fruit tray, the cheeseball and crackers with various other items for the party. “Um you can help make the fruit tray while I make the worlds famous family cheeseball from my family.” Laughing and then starting to id the ingredients together in a bowl. “So Carter do you have the you know what...can I see the you know what?” Referring to the ring in secret and knowing the ring was on him in his pocket easily being able to be seen. “I promise I can keep it a secret...Morgan can’t even hear us she’s in the living room with Simon.” Hazel eyes blinking up to lick eyes with Carter’s blue ones hoping he’d agree to let her take a sneak peek. “Trust me Carter you just need to be calm and collected and besides you can even hook up Pearl with her vest on so she can be with you to give you Simon and I are right here as well...just ignore the family and focus on Morgan.” Trying to offer comforting words to him about the upcoming proposal.

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#205658 Posted on 2019-07-03 14:54:12


"Okay, I think I can handle that," Carter responded with a nod, getting a knife out and cutting the melon into smaller, bite sized pieces. He placed the fruits on the tray, picking up a strawberry and popping it into his mouth. Carter stopped placing the fruit on the tray, looking over to Addy and then towards the direction of Morgan and Simon where they were decorating. Carter nodded, reaching for his pocket but remembering it was in his jacket. "It's in my jacket hanging in the hallway. You can go sneak a peek but don't let Morgan catch you." He went back to placing the rest of the fruit on the tray, taking another strawberry and eating it. Carter nodded again to Addy's words. "I just want everything to be perfect you know. She's been waiting for this for a while and I want it to be extra special." Carter laughed as he thought about the family's reaction. "I think my mom will be more ecstatic that I finally proposed than anyone...and Morgan's mom." He turned to the sink, rinsing off the sticky watermelon juice and used the towel to dry his hands. "Looks I finished the fruit platter, what's next?"


Simon playfully saluted to Morgan, picking up the lights and untangling them before handing to her. "Yes ma'am." He laughed as he continued to hand the lights as Morgan strung them up. He grabbed another set of lights, beginning to hang them up on the opposite side of the room from where Morgan was. "Does this look good Morgan," he asked for confirmation, not wanting them to look bad. After hanging the lights, Simon sat at the sofa and began to blow up the balloons. By the end of blowing up his twentieth balloon he was beginning to feel light headed. "I think it's time to take a break," he spoke while tying off the balloon. "And I hope that this is enough balloons." He leaned back against the couch, suddenly feeling exhausted from all the decorating. "I didn't know decorating took so much energy," Simon sighed, before leaning back up and playfully whining to Morgan, "Morgan, how do you do it?"

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#205662 Posted on 2019-07-03 19:06:00


“It looks perfect Simon.” Blue eyes glancing to his work and nodding in confirmation before continuing her work. Staying silent while continuing her work of hanging lights and streamers about the living room with different signs. Shaking her head at Simon’s playful whine before shrugging  her shoulders “It runs in the blood I’m dad was a business organizer and he loved planning so he taught me. I even planned Melanie and me a party for our 16th birthday.” Sitting gown on the couch and letting out a sigh. “I just wish Dad and Melanie could be here and meet you all.” Shaking her head as the small tears were forming in her blue eyes before standing back up and putting herself back to work to distract herself. Hanging up various items around the room before finishing it. “Well I’m gunna go get ready and take a shower now.” Glancing into the kitchen to see Addy and Carter working before entering into the shared bedroom and into the closet to pick out the dress for tonight. Biting the edge of her lip in thought and shifting between all the dresses getting stuck on the red laced one and the solid magenta dress. Deciding on the red one before entering into the bathroom and locking the door behind her to get ready for the party. In the bathroom with the hot shower water hitting her back and scalp as her phone rang on the couch the name “Mom” popping up on her phone and ringing loudly.


Finishing up the cheeseball and then beginning on the next meal item to cook. “You have the deserts the fudge brownies.” Passing the instructions   to Carter and cracking her knuckles and beginning the ham and cheese sandwich’s to set up. Setting them up on a plate and then hearing Morgan announce she was off to take a shower. Waiting until the bedroom door shut and walking out into the hallway and going to Carter’s jacket. Fumbling in the pocket momentarily before feeling box and pulling it out. Addy’s face contorting with emotion and opening the box to see the sparkling diamond ring. Happy tears brimming in her hazel eyes before putting it back in and making her way back to the kitchen and hugging Carter gently. “Morgan’s gunna love it. I’m glad she chose you and nothing it going to ruin the moment between you two tonight....if you freeze up I’ll propose to Morgan for you.” Smiling and then starting to put the ingredients away in the kitchen that she had got out to make all the food. Exiting from the kitchen and spotting Simon and making her way up to him with a grin. Wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tighter and leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. “I’m off to take a shower and then your getting in and bathing in that cologne I got you.” Addy grinning and then separating herself from Simon’s arms and making her way to the bedroom and shutting the door. Choosing a navy blue dress with polka dots for her outfit tonight and beginning to get ready for the party.

Last edited on 2019-07-04 at 08:29:01 by Daphne101

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#206025 Posted on 2019-07-14 15:06:47


Carter took the instructions and pulled out the necessary ingredients to make the brownies. He poured the mix into a bowl, adding milk to it and stirring up. With a little bit of brownie mix now splattered on his clothes, he looked up to Morgan with a smile. "Looks like I'll be taking one right after you," he spoke with a laugh. He poured the batter into the pan, placing it in the oven. The smile on his face widened at Addy's comment on the ring, glad that she thought he had picked out the perfect ring. "I sure hope so." He let out a laugh, shaking his head. "That would sure be a surprise to everyone." The timer on the oven went off, signaling that the brownies were finally done. Carter turned the oven off and pulled the brownies out, setting them on the counter to cool. He walked down the hall to the bedroom, opening the door and closing it behind him. Walking into the closet, he stared at his clothes wondering what he was going to wear for the party...and the big proposal. "Babe," he called out to Morgan who was still getting ready, "Do you think you can help me pick out my clothes?" 


Simon smiled, happy that he had done a good job as he sat on the couch admiring the work they had done. "That's interesting." He reached a hand over to Morgan, giving her hand a light squeeze. "I'm sure they're here in spirit and I'm sure your dad is very impressed with your decorating skills." The smell of brownies baking drew him towards the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Addy when she appeared from it. "Are all the snacks and things made? I smell brownies." He leaned into the kiss with a smile. "I hope you don't mean that literally," he said with a laugh, leaning in to kiss Addy once more. He let go of his hold and let Addy go to take a shower. Simon decided to let the dogs out once more before everyone arrived. He watched them run around the yard, Buffy trying to get Pepper to play but him wanting to really just do his own thing. Instead, Buffy ran in the other direction, going into a playful bow and picking up a rope toy and dropping it at Gemini's paws to get her to play. After a few minutes, Simon let the dogs back inside and locked them in the crates. "Is it my turn to shower yet," he called to Addy when he entered the bedroom, "I hope there's still plenty of hot water."

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#206038 Posted on 2019-07-14 19:33:06


Putting on her makeup in the bathroom before hearing Carter call her name “Coming babe!” Stopping the rest of her makeup and exiting the bathroom to the closet. “Normally you have a good taste but...I do think you’d be sexy in this one.” Pointing to the black suit with a matching red tie and a white undershirt.” Morgan stepping forward in the right closet and leaning up to press a kiss to Carter’s cheek. Smearing her red lipstick on his cheek and then pulling back and blushing. “Carter hold still.” Morgan’s voice raising with a laugh and trying to use her hand to wipe off the red lipstick from her kiss. “I’ll go grab my makeup and get ready outside while you mister Beck better take a shower now.” Morgan now giggling  at her demands and then exiting to grab her makeup. Morgan entering into the bathroom and grabbing her make up bag and exiting the bathroom once more to finish getting ready. An hour going by and tensing as the doorbell rung loudly. “I’m coming I’m coming.” High heels clicking against the floor and to the door to go answer it. Opening it and greeting Marissa, Kenneth, Kyle, Danielle and, Lisa. and her own mom. “I’m so glad you all could make it...make yourself at home.” Smiling at hugging everybody that had showed up just now. Ryker being in the dog room with all the other dogs, huffed and walked to the dog bed lying down on it and panting. “How are you Marissa and Mom?” Hugging both again and then stepping back with a smile appearing on her face. “Just give me one minute to put something on.” Leading then into the living room and then disappearing into the bedroom. Picking up the gold necklace Carter had given her for Christmas. “ stuff.....stud muffin.” Calling random nicknames for Carter and then her blue eyes  lighting up when Carter came in with her calls. “Can you help me please.” Holding out the necklace for him and then picking up her curly strawberry red hair so he could put the necklace on. After it was on and then turning around to press lips with Carter once more and wrapping an arm around the back of his neck to lengthen it before letting back for air. “C’mon superstar lets go get this party started.” Lacing her hand comfortably in his and exiting out of the bedroom. 


Laughing at Simon’s question and scrunching her nose up and rolling her eyes. “Very funny still have plenty of hot water left.” Giving a kiss quickly and then ushering him to take a shower and get ready for the party. Placing other items out for the party and then following after Morgan when the bell rang. “Hello Mr and Mrs.Beck....hello Mrs.Blackwell.” Greeting everyone else like a Morgan did and then walking into he living room to sit down and talk with Morgan and Carter’s family. Gemini Giving a bark in the room and following after Buffy picking up the toy and tugging hard on one side. Greeting the door when Karissa, Spencer, Bailey, and his grandparents entered in all hugging them. Hazel eyes widening at the sight of her own parents entering into the rose Rose and John. Shock mixed in her hazel eyes and hugging onto them tightly “I-I thought you guys had a business’d you get here.” Happy tears flooding into her eyes and then smiling as her mom inspected her diamond ring. “Thanks Mom...he’s a keeper that’s for sure....he’s never getting rid of me.” Entering Into the living room with a happy expression on her face as she made her way beside Simon to sit down. Grabbing onto his free hand and smiling at him “I love you so much and getting my parents here...I owe you so much.” Smiling and then turning back to everyone in the living room and listening all the conversations. Trying to join in on one that was open.


Entering into the house and hugging her daughter and then hugging Marissa. Making her way to the living room and sitting down beside Marissa. Pulling out her phone to take a picture of Carter and Morgan coming out holding hands together. “I swear the cutest couple ever and your son so compliments Morgan tonight....the way he looks at her, he’s all in for her.” A smile spreading onto her face at the happy couple and then leaning back against the couch comfortably.

John and Rose Sumter

Both hugging onto Addalyn and then letting go. “Well sweetheart we got a secret call from a special someone that invited us.” Her father spoke and then nodded to confirm it. “Lets see the ring!” Excitement in her voice and then grabbing onto her hand to look at the ring on her finger. “It’s beautiful honey.” Hugging her once more and then entering into the living room to sit. “When’s the wedding Addalyn?” Nodding at her daughter’s answer and then joining into conversation with Simon’s family.

Last edited on 2019-07-15 at 05:27:09 by Daphne101

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#206241 Posted on 2019-07-18 15:29:21


Carter smiled and took the clothes that Morgan picked for him. "Thanks babe," he spoke, leaning in for a kiss and laughing when she smeared her lipstick all over his cheek. "I'll get you back for that, just you wait." He laughed even more before leaving the closet and walking into the bathroom to take a quick shower. "Yes ma'am," he said playfully, closing the door behind him. Carter showered quickly, using the towel to dry his dirty blonde locks that were starting to fall in front of his eyes. "Babe, I think I should get a haircut. What do you think?" He walked out of the bathroom with his hair in a mess, laughing at his appearance. He grabbed the clothes off the bed, fixing his hair so that he could actually see. Hearing the doorbell ring caused his heart to leap, knowing that the party was soon to start. He had to remind himself that everything would go perfectly. Taking a deep breath, he finished buttoning up the shirt and tied the red tie around his neck. Checking himself in the mirror, he pushed his hair back, running a hand through it and straightened the tie one last time. "Tonight will be perfect," he spoke to himself, giving himself a pep talk in the mirror. Hearing Morgan enter the room and call for him by various pet names, he walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. "Of course," he replied with a smile growing on his face. He took the gold necklace from her hands and clasped it around her neck. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to her cheek, turning her around to face him and leaning in to place another kiss to her lips. He nodded, taking a deep breath, "Is everyone here now?" His question was answered when he walked out of the bedroom and into the living room, his eyes looking at the amount of people in the house. His mom was the first to spot him, rushing over and wrapping in a tight hug. 


Simon laughed, "Okay, okay. I was just making sure." He hurried into the bathroom and quickly got in the shower, letting the hot water run down his back. Once out of the shower, Simon walked into the closet and scanned over his clothes. He pulled out a white button up shirt and navy colored tie along with his black suit. Placing all the items on the bed, he quickly changed hearing the doorbell ring and many people enter the house. He took one last look at himself in the mirror of the bathroom before walking out and greeting everyone. "Hello Mrs. Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. Beck, Kyle." He smiled and turned to see Addy's parents. "Hey Mr. and Mrs. Sumter." The smile grew on his face when he saw his parents, brother, and grandparents standing around in the living room. "Mom, Dad!" He pulled the two into a hug, quickly pulling away when he heard is grandmother begging for a hug. "Of course Nana, I wouldn't dare leave you out." He brought her into a hug, doing the same with his grandfather. "Do you want a hug too," Simon joked with Bailey, earning a playful slap on the back and being playfully shoved away. Simon threw his hands up, laughing," I thought I would ask." Simon made his way to Addy, sitting down next to her while his family found placed to sit as well. "You got that right," he joked at Addy's words, "You're stuck with me now." 

Marissa, Kenneth, Kyle, Lisa, Daniela

Everyone piled their way into the house, following Morgan into the living room and settling down. Marissa spotted Carter walking in, getting from her seat in the chair and rushing over, wrapping Carter in a tight hug. "You are so handsome," she exclaimed, taking a step back to examine him in his outfit. She turned and went back in the living room, nodding at Katrina's words. "For sure, and Morgan is just so gorgeous. Especially in that dress." Kenneth settled in the chair next to Marissa with Lisa taking a seat next to Katrina on the couch. "I agree, what a cute couple," Lisa added, "Just can't wait to see them get married...even though he has yet to pop the question. " Lisa laughed, looking over to Simon and Addy. "Seems as if he beat you to it," Lisa spoke, laughing even more. Seeing the way Carter's face turned a deep shade of red, Lisa laughed even more. "Oh relax, you know I'm only playing with you." 

Karissa, Spencer, Bailey, Alexander, Olivia

Following everyone into the living room, Karissa and Olivia were just as excited to see the ring. "It looks as beautiful on you as it did on me," Olivia exclaimed, seeing the ring on Addy's finger. "Now where is my hug young man, I sure hope you plan on giving me one." Olivia let out a laugh, bringing Simon in for a hug and squeezing him tightly. "I sure am glad to have the chance to come visit for once." Bailey shook his head violently at the mention of hugging Simon, playfully slapping at his shoulder and pushing him away. "No thank you, seeing your face is quite enough," Bailey laughed. 

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#206243 Posted on 2019-07-18 17:34:00


Blushing at everyone’s comments about her looks and nervously drawing a circle on Carter’s palm with her finger as a distraction from this many people in the smaller house. Turning to Carter and letting her strawberry and curly red hair fall down in front of her face to block the conversation just to Carter. “Maybe this many people around In a small house wasn’t such a good idea....what if they don’t like the party...” a nervous blush covering her face and then joining back into the conversation and lightly squeezing Carter’s free hand. Standing up and letting out a nervous breath coming out “Thank you guys for all coming out to the first New Year’s Eve party in the house with family and friends having a good time. Snacks and refreshments are in the kitchen along with red and white wine so drink up.” Biting the edge of her lip in thought before following after her mom to the kitchen. Morgan stopping in the kitchen and sighing her blue eyes clouding in stress and nervousness already. “Mom are you sure my party isn’t that bad?” Asking the question and blushing an even deeper shade of red than before and picking up the red wine and taking a glass to Carter as well. Handing the glass to Carter and then leaning back against the chair and tapping the edge of her wine glass out of nervousness. Already chewing on the corner of her lip and scanning her light blue eyes over the smiles and laughs of everyone here. Raising the wine glass to her lips and taking a tiny sip and listening to the nearest conversation.


Nodding at what Lisa and everyone said about Morgan before watching Morgan stand up and announce about the party. Clapping her hands together after the little speech and smiling “Thats my baby girl.” Smiling and then standing up and entering into the kitchen to get refreshments.
Stacking her plate with the various foods out and then turning at Morgan’s question about her party. “Sweetheart everything is need to relax and just focus on Carter tonight....nothing can ruin the party tonight so don’t overthink what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours....besides you look like your about to bolt outta the house to go sit next to Carter and you’ll be fine.” Pressing a hand to her back and leading her back out to go sit beside Carter.


Smiling at everyone’s compliments on the ring and laughing at Simon and Bailey not hugging. “Fine I’ll hug my future brother-in-law.” Smiling and hugging Bailey before hugging Simon’s family once more and sitting down and watching Morgan  stand up. “Crimm can you get me a glass of white wine...please.” Voice begging and sealing it with a kiss to the cheek and then turning to Carter with an eyebrow raise. Causally fiddling with the diamond ring on her ring finger and then winking at Carter. Addy then standing up and moving over to Morgan’s chair for a quick minute “Carter...please tell me you’ll do it soon...Morgan looks like she needs a big distraction and looks like her anxiety is overwhelming so it soon Beck or else I’ll o it for you.” Smiling and then returning back to her seat and having a conversation with her parents and Simon’s parents.

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#207147 Posted on 2019-08-08 11:22:33


Carter stood alongside Morgan, squeezing her hand back trying to calm her while also trying to keep himself calm. She had one thing right. That there were a lot of people in one house. "I'm sure they love the party," he spoke into her ear. He let her hand go when she disappeared to the kitchen after announcing that there was food and drinks. He walked over to Kyle, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I hope you've been staying out of trouble," he spoke with a laugh. He got a playful slap from his brother, feigning hurt before turning back to Morgan when she returned. "Thanks babe," he said, accepting the glass of wine and taking a sip of it. He listened in on the talking around him, acknowledging when his mother said his name and nodded his head. His eyes glanced around the room as he took another sip of his wine, catching Addy playing with her ring and giving him a wink. He almost choked on his wine, gulping it down. He set the glass to the side. "Okay, okay. I'll do it soon," Carter spoke, "Just let me get a breath of fresh air outside for a minute. This amount of people is overwhelming." He picked up his glass of wine, downing the last of it and taking the glass to the kitchen. Before anyone could really notice, he slipped outside and leaned against the porch railing. He ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath before shoving his hands in his pockets, the cold air hitting his face. His hand graced over the box holding the ring in his pocket, his fingers fumbling with it for a moment. 


Simon nodded, "Sure Ads, want any snacks?" He stood from where he was sitting, heading into the kitchen and grabbing a plate, putting a little bit of everything on it. He then grabbed to glasses of wine and returned to Addy and everyone else, taking his place on the couch. "Here you go," he said, handing her the glass of white wine. He set his glass of wine to the side, and picked up some crackers and cheese, shoving them in his mouth. He listened to his grandmother banter with his mom for a while before they dispersed to the kitchen as well. "I think this party turned out pretty great," Simon exclaimed, taking another cracker and adding cheese to it before popping it in his mouth. He was happy to have everyone's family here despite the house seeming a little crowded. Finishing off the last of the snacks on his plate with the help of Addy, he got off the couch and went for more. 

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#207157 Posted on 2019-08-08 16:17:48


Sipping on the red wine and sitting beside Carter and watching with curious blue eyes when he left to go outside to the porch. A frown crossing her facial features and watching nervously as he disappeared out of view. Shaking her head and downing the last of her red wine to go back into the kitchen to pour another glass full to calm down her nerves. Returning back and sitting down on her seat and sipping the red wine slowly to avoid anymore conversations without Carter present. Setting the half empty wine glass down and letting out another nervous breath and looking around the room with her light blue eyes, hoping everyone was still having a good time at the party they were hosting. Twitching in her seat nervously and considering getting another wine glass but stayed rooted to the seat she was in. ‘Carter where are you?’ A nervous thought crossing in her mind and biting the edge of her lip and keeping her blue eyes on the door for his return back inside.


Giggling at Carter’s reaction and focusing back on the conversation with Simon’s family and her family. One eyebrow raising at the sight of Carter exiting the room to go stand on the porch alone. “Thanks handsome.” Smiling as Simon returned with the wine and the snacks. Taking a sip of the wine and then eating some of the snacks on the plate before handing her plate for more back to Simon as he was off again. Shaking her head with a giggle and playing again with the sparkly diamond ring on her ring finger. Addy’s hazel eyes glancing towards the porch and waiting for Carter’s arrival back inside a exciting, tingling feeling shooting down her spine at the big secret that would happen any moment.

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#207175 Posted on 2019-08-09 09:42:51


Breathing in the cold air, Carter listened to the commotion of the party going on inside. He was starting to shiver from the cold and a light snowfall was starting up again. He reached out a shaking hand, catching a snowflake in his palm and watched it melt away. "I should go back inside," he mumbled to himself. He turned on his heel and turned the doorknob and stepped back into the warm house. He rubbed his hands together letting them warm up quicker. Carter's eyes caught Morgan's when he walked in, making his way to the couch where she sat. The time was now. If he didn't do it now, Carter feared he would chicken out and never do it. He slowly walked over to the couch, taking Morgan's hand in his as he knelt down in front of her. He pulled the black felt box from his pocket and opened it to reveal the diamond engagement ring. "Morgan," he spoke nervously, gulping back a nervous breath. "I've been waiting for the right moment for this, and well, I guess this is just as good as anything." Carter paused for a moment, looking at the ring as he pulled it from the box. "Morgan, will you marry me," he asked with a shaky breath. 

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#207183 Posted on 2019-08-09 11:42:16


Watching with her light blue eyes as Carter returned back in and made his way to her side. Standing up and watching him kneel down with a ring and asking her the question. Happy tears now pricking her light blue eyes and nodding quickly up and down. “Yes! Carter a million times yes!” Excitement in her voice and holding out her left hand for the ring to be placed on. Pulling Carter up and practically knocking him down with a tight hug and wrapping her arms around his neck with a smile. Leaning in and giving a kiss to his lips with her soft ones and lengthily the kiss by placing her arm around his neck and bending upwards. Morgan’s soft lips moving with Carter’s for a moment before pulling away breathlessly. Clinging to him in the living room and moving her lips to his ear “I thought you’d never ask but yes....I choose you over and over and over again. You stole my heart since day one and I’m so ready to take your last name.” Facing the crowded living room and holding up the diamond ring for others to see. Blushing at Addy’s words and her mom’s words before intertwining her hand with his and smiling. “It’s about time he asked...because I was just considering pooping the question myself.” Joking about Carter’s proposal but tugging him along to hug her mom and his mom. “At least I get another mom now and a little brother.” Excitement written on Morgan’s face and hugging Kyle before moving down the line keeping her hand still looked tightly with Carter’s. Stopping at Addy and dropping Carter’s hand and squealing with Addy about the double wedding now to plan. 


Gasping as Carter entered back into the house and asked Morgan to marry him. “Pardon my French But, it’s about [censored ] time a smile appearing on her face and standing up to hug her daughter after the long kiss with Carter. “I’m excited for you sweetheart! Carter is going to be the perfect husband and treat you like the angel you are.” Blinking her blue eyes at Carter and then enveloping him in a hug. “Welcome to the family son.” Sitting back down after the hug and laughing at Morgan’s Nd Addy’s squealing and excitement. “I’d say you boys are going to be dealing with a whole lotta estrogen for the wedding planning.” Smiling at everyone in the room.


Hazel eyes widening at Carter pooping the question and grabbing Simon’s hand and digging her nails into it out of excitement flooding her face. Standing up and yanking Simon up with her and hugging Morgan when it was her turn. An excited squeal parting from her lips “That just means a double wedding!” Addy blinking her warm hazel eyes and turning to Simon with love shining in her eyes for him. Leaning foreword and planting a kiss to his lips out of excitement and then turning her attention back to the newly engaged couple.

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