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Foals of Truthful Morpheus [67.80]

All Foals of Truthful Morpheus [67.80]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Morphin' Time 67.47 22 years old CrystalAnn Blinded By A Star 67.03
Truthful Venice 68.35 22 years old Runilki Little Venice 1138/69.02
M[65.08]Somerset [RS] 15 years old Stash: Semi-Hiatus F[63.86]Mary Elizabeth [RS]
Aldebarán 13 years old Parachutes Moon
WR Red Truth 11 years old PageOfPentacles retired
63.74 | Crimson Dreamweaver 2 years old CaptainMaddi 57.75 | Red Vipress
Stardust 0 years old Parachutes Moon