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Foals of Promise Me a Galaxy

All Foals of Promise Me a Galaxy
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Chinco ✠ R2 /0-0-1 10 years old Rattyfleef Grace
[L] Bite The Galaxy 5 years old Glass Tear Studs [L] Bite The Dust
Galaxy Sun 5 years old River Meadow Granite Sun
Promise Me Ignition 5 years old River Meadow Thoughtful Ignition
[L] Pitch Black Galaxy 5 years old Glass Tear Studs [L] Follow The Darkness
Underneath The Willow Tree 3 years old Glass Tear Studs [♚]{Willow}[53.85]
Graceful Galaxy 3 years old finny Grace & Dignity
Rosed Galaxy 2 years old Kat [L] Bella Rose